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中国手机企业开拓印度市场的现状及策略分析 State and strategy analysis of China's mobile phone companies to exploit India Market 摘要 随着国产手机行业的不断崛起和国内市场趋于饱和,越来越多的中国手机企业把目光投到海外,印度由于其得天独厚的条件成为中国手机企业开拓海外市场的热门地区。中国手机企业开拓印度市场对于中国手机企业占领国际市场,树立品牌形象具有积极作用。通过对企业开拓印度市场的策略、渠道、市场占有率等的分析,并以此向中国手机企业作为新兴力量与世界传统手机品牌世界市场提供建议和对策。 国产手机企业在开拓海外市场的过程并非一帆风顺,各种贸易壁垒和专利壁垒阻碍着中国品牌走向世界,这对于我们发展民族工业,进行外贸出口,树立品牌形象非常不利。所以对这个方向的研究具有重要的意义。 关键词:中国手机企业;开拓;印度市场;现状;策略 . State and strategy analysis of China's mobile phone companies to exploit India Market Abstract With the domestic mobile phone industry continues to rise and the domestic market is saturated, Chinese mobile phone enterprises more and more the eyes cast to overseas to India due to be the unique conditions of Chinese mobile phone enterprises to open up overseas market hot region. Chinese mobile phone companies to open up the India market for China's mobile phone companies to occupy the international market, and establish a positive role in the image of the brand. Through the analysis of the strategy, channel and market share of the enterprises to develop the India market, and to provide suggestions and Countermeasures to the Chinese mobile phone enterprises as a new force and the world market. Domestic mobile phone enterprises in developing overseas markets, the process is not smooth sailing, all kinds of trade barriers and patent barriers hindering Chinese brands to the world, which for the development of our national industry, foreign trade and exports, set up the brand image is very unfavorable. So the research of this direction is of great significance. Keywords: China’s mobile phone companies;Expoit;India market;State;Strategy 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 目录 III 一、 中国手机企业开拓印度市场的背景 1 (一)国内市场趋于饱和 1 (二)中国手机厂商实力增强 1 二、印度手机市场分析 3 (一)印度手机市场规模分析 3 1. 2012-2018年印度手机市场规模趋势 3 2. 2012-2018年印度智能机市场规模 3 3. 2013-2018印度手机产地趋势分析 5 4. 总结 5 (二)印度手机市场发展环境分析 5 1.政治环境 6 2.经济环境 6 3.社会环境 6 (1)民族情况 7 (2)人口情况 7 (3)教育情况 8 (4)技术环境 8 (三)印度手机市场渠道现状与未来趋势分析 9 三、中国


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