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* 任务型阅读(二) B A True Friend Ashley Montgomery A true friend never walks away, A true friend will always stay. These arms for you are open, This heart for you does care. A Sweet Wishes to You Cindy A wish for lots of birthday fun, To last until the day is done. Hoping that all your wishes come true, And your birthday cake is as sweet as you! D Pussy Mother Goose Pussy-cat sits by the fire; How can she be fair? In walks the little dog; Says, “Pussy, are you there?” C Happy New Year Emilie Poulsson A New Year is beginning, Be joyful, one and all! And share this warm blessing: I wish a happy New Year! F Rock Me to Sleep Elizabeth Akers Allen Make me back a child, just for tonight! Mother, come back from that echoless shore; Take me back in your heart — Rock me to sleep, mother—rock me to sleep! E Make It Green Avani Desai Lives are crying because its not clean, Earth is dying because its not green. With dying trees and animals, its in sorrow(悲伤), Make green today and green tomorrow. 1.Dont always call and ask me to come home during term time. There is a lot going on at weekends; there just isnt time. 答案:C 2.Get one more interest or a pet if you feel lonely without me. Dont make me feel sorry about leaving home! 答案:D 3.Please dont check up on me or my friends on Facebook. I know its a public site, but I have the right to some privacy(隐私). 答案:A 4.Dont change anything in my bedroom. I have only half left home—Ill be back in the holidays, so please dont touch anything. 答案:B A.Dont waste so much time on Facebook. You need time for all work you have to do, remember? B.We might make a few changes to your room, so deal with it. Its great to have a guest room at last, but we wont change things too much, promise. C.Dont forget to call home from time to time and dont get angry if we call you. D.Stand the fact that we refused to get a dog while you were at home, then suddenly bought one as soon as you moved out. We miss you! 5.What would you like to


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