Unit6 Practical techniques for teaching young learners王国祥.ppt

Unit6 Practical techniques for teaching young learners王国祥.ppt

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Unit6 Practical techniques for teaching young learners王国祥

Outline How to use songs and rhymes? How to use games in the classroom? How to use projects in teaching? How to use board writing in teaching? How to use resources in teaching? 6.1 Using songs and rhymes for teaching English to young learners used for different purposes at different stages of a lesson using different methods Purpose Functions to help learners’ memorization of the newly learned vocabulary or structures to activate children to review what has been learned to introduce new language when teaching songs, rhymes and chants to practice the target language to change the pace Purpose Functions Help children remember meaning easily Present new language in meaningful context Practice leart language in meaningful context Reuse new language in meaningful context Provide opportunities to pick up chunks Practice pronunciation items and sense of rhyme Change pace of a lesson and add some fun interesting and relaxing bring a change to the routine procedures of language presentation and practice magic teaching tool to develop learners language abilities help children better understand and remember the newly learned language help teachers to create a relaxed classroom atmosphere call attention, keep discipline, as a warm-up or an end-of-class activity draw back learners attention to ensure a smooth running of a lesson demonstrate very clearly the rhythmic nature of the English language Enjoy some English songs, chants and rhymes Characters of a chant Tempo Stress Rhythm Meaning Better be with actions Checklist to decide a song, chant or rhyme 1) Length 2) Level 3) Repetition 4) Content 5) Relevance 6) Actions 7) Context What kind of procedures do you think teachers should follow when employing a chant in classrooms? How to teach a song or a thyme? Step 1: a formal presentation of songs and rhymes (comprehension of meaning) Step 2: draw childrens attention to more specific meaning and the language used Step 3: involve the students physically Teach the k


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