Unit3 AR1 Words.ppt

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Unit3 AR1 Words

Plead image 12:20 24-07-09 Words to note New Words Phrases deception fraud fraudster forge forgery custody consultancy anonymous precaution 1. count on 2. look through Active reading 1: Resources Active reading 1: Resources deception n. the action of deceiving someone Translate the following sentences into Chinese: The man obtained property by perception. 这人靠欺骗获得财产。 This is a range of elaborate deception. 这是一个精心设计的圈套。 Active reading 1: Resources Trans Trans fraud n. [C, U] wrongful or criminal deception intended for result in financial or personal gain Translate the following sentences into Chinese: He was convicted of fraud. 他被判定犯有诈骗罪。 He told people he was a doctor, but he was a fraud really. 他告诉人们他是医生,实际上他是个骗子。 Active reading 1: Resources Trans Trans fraudster n. someone obtains money by deceiving. Translate the following sentence into Chinese: New measures are needed to prevent fraudsters opening bank accounts with stolen identity. 需要制定新的措施以防止诈骗犯冒用身份在银行开户。 Active reading 1: Resources Trans forge v. forgery n. to make illegal copy of something to deceive. The student forged his supervisor’s signature on the dissertation. 这个学生在论文上伪造他导师的签字。 He increase his income by forgery. 他靠假冒伪造增加收入。 These banknotes are forgeries. 这些钞票是假币。 Translate the following sentence into Chinese: Active reading 1: Resources Trans Trans Trans deception: It has the widest range of uses of deceiving. Fraud: It often suggests financial dishonesty. Word comparison: deception fraud forge forge: Illegally copy sth., esp. printed or written. Active reading 1: Resources More deception fraud forge fraudster forgery Fill in the blanks with proper words: 1. She is guilty of tax _______. He obtained a lot of money by __________________________. He will face trial on ________ charges for _________ credit cards. He is a ______________________. The old lady was a victim


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