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functionality plus loyalty ——Christiane Nord 周莉刘美辰 Main parts examples Background Nords theory 1 2 3 第一代功能派翻译理论 1.?凯瑟林娜?赖斯(Kantharina?Reiss)的翻译标准的功能 (the?Functional?Category?of?Translation?Criticism)? ? 提出将文本功能列为翻译批评的一个标准,指出翻译批评的依据应是原文和译文两者功能之间的关系。 ? 文本类型理论:信息型,表达型,操作型 ? 译文必须连贯一致,而这种连贯性取决于译者对原文意图的理解。 ? 赖斯的理论总体上是建立在对等理论之上,其实质指的是译文与原文的功能对等。 ------------------------ expressive Operative reference work report lecture biography play poem operating instructions tourist brochure official speech satire sermon electoral speech advertisement Reiss’s text types and text varieties 2.?汉斯?费米尔(HansVermeer)的翻译目的论 (Skopostheorie)? ? 三个法则:目的法则,连贯法则,忠实性法则 ? 以行为理论为基础,提出“翻译行为”概念 ? 所有翻译遵循的首要法则是目的法则,翻译行为所要达到的目的决定整 个翻译行为的过程,即结果决定方法 3.?贾斯塔?赫兹?曼塔利(Justa Holz?Mantari)?的翻译行为理论(theory?of?translation?action) ? 翻译行为理论把翻译视为有目的,重结果的交际活动,把翻译过程视为与文化转换相关联的信息传递综合体(message-transmitter compounds) ? 翻译不是单纯地翻译词语,句子或文本,而是引导意向中的合作,跨越文化障碍,促进功能性的交际。 第二代功能翻译理论 Nords theory 功能加忠诚(Function plus Loyalty) Definition: the translator should aim at producing functional target text which conforms to the requirement of the translation skopos fixed by the initiator, respecting, at the same time, the legitimate interests of both the author of the original and the readers of the translation. text types and their functions Type Function Example Referential 指称 reference to objects and phenomena of the world Its raining. (下雨了) Expressive 表情 expression of the senders attitude or feelings towards the objects and phenomena dealt with in the text Its bloody pissing down again! (讨厌,又下雨了!) Appellative 诉求 appealing to the receivers experience,feelings, knowledge, sensibility Wait here till it stops raining! (等雨停了再说吧!) Phatic 寒暄 establishing, maintaining or finishing contact Nasty weather again,isnt it? (见鬼的天气又卷土重来了,你没感觉到吗?) A Translation-oriented Model of Text Functions(Christiane Nord) referential function inf


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