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Nb对船板钢高温 钱国余, 侯自兵, 成国光 (北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,北京100083) 摘 要:通过用Gleeble-1500热模拟试验机在1×10-3/s应变速率下,对含Nb的J55钢和不含Nb的345R钢进行了高温拉伸试验。结果表明:由于Nb元素的添加使两钢种的塑性产生了变化,在高温奥氏体区温度高于1200℃时J55钢的塑性较高,当温度低于1200℃时的各温度点处345R钢的塑性较高。造成这种差异的原因是由Nb的析出形式影响的,根据计算在1200℃时Nb的析出还没有发生,此时主要是由钢中的TiN析出以及晶界处存在的低熔点硫化物等来影响,温度低于1200℃后Nb的析出发生,其应变诱导析出的Nb(CN)是导致J55钢塑性降低的主要原因。 关键词:Nb,TiN,船板钢,析出物,热塑性 High temperature properties of continuous casting of ship plate steels Guoyu QIAN, Zibing HOU, Guoguang CHENG (Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering School,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,) Abstract:The high temperature properties of J55 steel with Nb and 345R steel without Nb were determined by tensile tests with a Gleeble-1500,the rate of deformation is 1?0-3/s. The test results indicate that the 出ductility of the both steels is rather different because of the addition of Nb,in the high temperature region above 1200℃ the ductility of J55 is better than 345R, however ,when the temperature drops to 1200℃ and lower the contrary is the case .The reason for this is that the precipitation of Nb has an effect on the ductility, according to the results of calculation the precipitation of Nb does not happened when the temperature is higher than 1200℃, therefore, the differences of the ductility of both steels are mainly determined by the precipitation of TiN and the sulfides with Low melting point in the grain boundaries. When temperature is lower than 1200℃ and the precipitation of Nb has happened ,and the strain inducing precipitation of Nb(CN) in the tensile test process results in a weak ductility of J55 steel. Key words:Nb,TiN,ship plate steels,precipitation,ductility 前 言 提高连铸坯质量一直都是冶金工作者非常重视的目标,但是一直以来对于连铸坯表面裂纹的等缺陷研究较多,目前表面裂纹已经能够较好的控制。对于铸坯表面一下的柱状晶区的研究较少,所以本文中所用的试样是取自于连铸坯表面以下的柱状晶区。 20世纪70年代以来,很多学者对钢的高温力学性能进行了很系统的研究[1,2],Nb是强的碳化物,氮化物生成元素,其静态析出和动态析出的模式对钢的塑性会产生很大的影响。一些学者针对Nb的添加对钢塑性产生的影响进行了一些研究[3][9],而本文中所用的两个钢种分别是含Nb和不含Nb的,所以本文主要是对铸坯表面以下的柱状晶区进行高温拉伸实验,以观察Nb对塑性的影响。 1 试验材料1.1 试验材料 研究所用的试样是由



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