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知识目标:掌握英语基础语音熟练运用英语简单句及基础复合句 能力目标:读懂简单的短篇文章运用基础语法进行150字左右的写作 情感态度与价值观目标: (1)形成对英语学习的兴趣 (2)培养学生自学,自律能力 Summary:课堂小结 Ask several students to retell the dialogue in their own words.Preview the next part. a. Do exercises b. Read the phonetics Phonetics (2) 制作人:姜翠翠 主讲人:姜翠翠 48个 音标 { 元音 辅音 气流不受发音器官的阻挡 { 20个 28个 单元音 双元音 { 清辅音 浊辅音 辅音在发音时气流受到阻碍 Review:复习 双元音构成 Lead in 新课导入 AIMS: 教学目标 a: game lazy ai: rain wait ay: day play [ei] New lesson:新课讲解 i: nice tiger y: fly try ie:tie pie uy:buy [ai] Coke hold over [?u] ou: house mouse ow: cow how [au] oi: coin oy: boy toy [?i] ear: ear hear tear eer: deer beer [i?] air: hair chair ear:pear bear [e?] oor: poor our: tour ure: sure [u?] 破儿 Mouse supposes his toes are rose. The coward was drown when he dived to save a cow. The goat in a coat is rowing a boat slowly. Practice:巩固练习 I shed tears for he shears my dear toy deer’s ear. It’s unfair to compare their hair with their chair. Are you sure the poor man can cure the poor tourist? Practice makes perfect. Peter is picking pears and pumpkins. A big black bug bit a big black bear. Bill’s big brother builds a beautiful building. Homework:作业布置


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