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气缸盖罩组合冲压复合模具设计 摘 要 冷冲压是一种常用的机械制造工艺,其材料利用率高,生产率高。当前柴油机气缸盖罩的材料均使用板件代替原先的铸铝件。为了提高其加工效率,降低生产成本,设计了一套精拉深模具和一套冲孔切边复合模,并对其进行板件冲压成形工艺分析与冲压模具结构设计,采用计算机仿真技术模拟其成形过程,并根据模拟计算结果,改变坯料尺寸及形状、压边力和凸凹模圆角半径等工艺参数。设计中,在设计过程中,首先分析了零件的外形特征及工艺性,安排了成形工艺,计算了相关参数及工作尺寸,选择了冲压设备,进行了模具的具体结构设计,再利用三维设计软件 Solidworks 完成了拉深、切边模具和零件的几何形状造型,并运用dynaform仿真软件对冲压过程进行了模拟。通过分析得到的成形极限图,找出了模具设计中存在的问题,通过修改模具结构及工艺参数,使问题得以改善。 关键词:气缸盖罩,冲压成形,拉深模具,冲孔模具 ,分析 Abstract Stamping is a kind of common mechanical manufacturing process with high material utilization and high productivity.At present ,The panel substituted the original aluminum cast part.In order to reduce the cost of the diesel engine cylinder head cover.First ,In view of the structural characteristics of the part ,we put forward the forming process. Then we calculated the structural parameters and size, selected the stamping equipment and specified the structure of the mold. During the design process, Firstly ,In view of the structural characteristics of the part ,we put forward the forming process. Then we calculated the structural parameters and size, selected the stamping equipment and specified the structure of the mold. Lastly we use a three-dimensional design software called Solidworks to complete the structure design of the mold and its parts ,and we also use Dynaform software to simulate the real stamping process. By checking and analyzing the FLD diagram, we found some defects in design. Lastly, by modifying the mold design ,those defects has been solved. Keywords:cylinder head cover,deep drawing die, punching die,Dynaform 3.1.2 冲压工艺方案制定 20 3.1.3 模具总体设计 25 3.1.4 主要零部件设计 26 3.2 切边冲孔复合模的设计 33 3.2.1 冲压工艺分析 33 3.2.2 工艺方案制定 34 3.2.3 模具总体设计 37 3.2.4 主要零部件设计 38 第四章 模具的三维实体造型 43 4.1 三维造型基础 43 4.2 Solidworks简介 43 4.3 精拉深模具的三维造型 44 4.4 切边、冲孔复合模具的三维造型 45 第五章 数值模拟及设计参数优化 46 5.1 Dyna-form 46 5.1.1 Dyna-form简介 46 5.1.2 模拟分析过程 48 5.1.3 分析结果及问题解决 50 5.2 SimulationeXpress 51 5.2.1 SimulationeXpress简介 51 5.2.2模拟分析过程 52 第六章 总


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