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经管学院毕业论文题 目: 欧盟TBT对中国纺织服装出口的影响及对策分析学生姓名:学 号:班 级: 国际商务1313指导教师: 2015年 01 月 04日【摘 要】:欧盟是中国纺织服装出口的主要地区之一,而近几年,欧盟对中国纺织业的贸易壁垒主要体现在技术性贸易壁垒上,特别是在经济危机、欧债危机等一系列的市场动荡事件发生以后,欧盟的纺织行业都出现了大幅度的下滑。在这种情况下,欧盟纺织业的技术壁垒必然会对中国纺织品的出口带来很大的影响。本文将以此为背景研究欧盟TBT对中国纺织业的影响。首先,通过收集整理大量现实数据,客观分析了中国纺织品出口欧盟的总体情况,并结合具体案例分析欧盟TBT对中国纺织服装出口的具体表现及造成的影响;然后分析我国纺织服装遭遇欧盟TBT的原因;最后针对问题从政府、行业协会以及企业三个不同的角度提出应对欧盟TBT的对策建议。【关键词】: 技术性贸易壁垒;纺织服装产品;出口;对策建议【Abstract】: The EU is one of the main areas of China's textile and apparel exports, in recent years, the EU trade barriers on China's textile industry mainly reflected in technical barriers to trade, especially after the economic crisis, the European debt crisis and a series of market turmoil incident, the EU's textile industry there are substantial decline. In this case, technical barriers in the EU textile industry will bring great impact on the export of textiles Chinese. This paper will take this as the background to study the influence of EU TBT on China's textile industry. First, through the collection of a large number of realistic data, an objective analysis of the overall situation of China's textile exports to the EU, and combined with the specific case analysis for specific performance of EU TBT on China's textile and apparel exports and influence caused by; then according to the first part of the content analysis of China's textile and apparel experience of EU TBT. Finally in view of the problems from the government, industry associations and enterprises three different angles proposed suggestions and Countermeasures to deal with the TBT.【Keywords】:TBT;Textiles and Clothing;Export;Influence countermeasure目 录1 欧盟TBT对中国纺织服装的影响11.1 TBT概述11.2 中国纺织服装出口欧盟的总体情况11.2.1中国纺织服装出口地区分布11.2.2中国纺织服装的出口结构21.2.3中国纺织服装出口欧盟具体情况21.3 中国纺织服装出口欧盟遭遇TBT的具体表现41.3.1技术法规和技术标准41.3.2产品包装标签及标志61.3.3产品检验制度61.4 欧盟TBT对中国纺织服装出口的影响分析81.4.1短期的消极影响81.4.2中长期的积极影响92 中国纺织服装遭遇欧盟TBT的原因分析102.1内部原因102.1.1纺织服装企业自身原因102.1.2质量体系认证步伐缓慢112.1.3检验技术与检测设备落后112.2外部原因112.2.1出口市场过于集中102.2.2贸易摩擦加剧122.2.


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