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断桥残雪 Lingering Snow on the Broken Bridge 曲院风荷 Breeze-ruffled Lotus at Quyuan Garden 平湖秋月Autumn Moon over the Calm Lake 花港观鱼Viewing Fish at Flower Pond 苏堤春晓 Spring Dawn at Su Causeway 南屏晚钟Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill West Lake is screened by gauze –like tender green willows in spring. 春风又绿江南岸。西湖岸柳新绿,似碧纱轻笼。 Green willows interspersed with pink peach blossoms add colour to spring. “一株杨柳一株桃”,桃树柳绿,春色无尽。 Autumn Moon on Calm Lake This scenic spot is at the western end of Bai’s Causeway. The Lake-Watching Pavilion built here in the Tang dynasty more than 1,000 years go is still one of the best places for watching the moon at West Lake. 平湖秋月 位居白堤西端,1000多年前唐朝时就建有望湖亭,至今是西湖赏月的胜地之一。 Morning over te Three Pools The Three Pools at the centre of West Lake built by the great poet Su Dongpo have become a landmark of Hangzhou’s West Lake. 三潭晨曦 三潭位于西湖湖心,最初为大诗人苏东坡所筑,而今成为杭州西湖的标志。 Spring on Small Fairy Isle Small Fairy Isle is one of the three isles in West Lake. Because of the charming scenery of isle and lake,the isle looks like the legendary dwelling of immortals. 小瀛洲之春 西湖湖中三岛之一,湖中有岛,岛中有湖,景色优美,宛如仙山琼岛。 Rainbow Rising Bridge This is the first bridge at the northern end of Su’s Causeway . A colourful rainbow ofthen rises above the bridge when the sun comes out after rain. 跨虹桥 苏堤北侧第一桥。雨过晴天,时见彩虹缤纷。 Paviion o Compete Rapport “My mind is in complete rapport with the truth” is a Buddhist saying ,meaning that “mutu understading is achieved without saying a word .”A visitor may understand the meaning of this phrase by meditating over it. 我心相印亭 “我心相印亭”为禅语,意即“不必言说,彼此会意”游至此地,静心体察,必有所悟。 Twin Peaks Piercing the Cloud Twin peaks are the Northern Peak and Southern Peak. One locates southwest to the West Lake and the other locates northwest west. Northern Peak is with an elevation of 256.9 meters, Southern Peak is with an elevation of 355 meters. The two peaks face each other at a distance of more than 5 kilometers. On a drizzly day in spring or autumn, visitors may find a spectacul


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