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长句翻译 14 Para-34 “乔布斯重返苹果的时候,他已经是孤注一掷了。只是他很聪明,知道该怎么做。他做得很辛苦,但是再怎么辛苦也比不上最近几十年以来唱片公司的任何一位律师在艺人合同中进行的谈判那么艰难.” By the time Steve Jobs came around, he was the last resort. He was merely smart enough to know it. He played tough, but not any tougher than any lawyer for a major label who had negotiated an artist contract in recent decades. 长句翻译 15 Para-38 在乔布斯的管理下,在没有得到公司媒体关系部同意的情况下,谁都无权公开发表意见。据说媒体关系部是直接由乔布斯负责的。在撰写本文之前,记者曾想给乔布斯作个专访,但是苹果拒绝了。这种情况对某些苹果圈内人士独家作有关乔布斯的发言非常有利,但是对其他媒体人来讲却是求访无门。 Nobody in Jobs sphere speaks without the permission of the companys media relations team, which reports directly to Jobs. Apple declined to make Jobs available for an interview for this article. It did bless the participation of some people in Apples orbit to speak about him, while nixing requests for others. 长句翻译 16 Para-40 对于那起将苹果前首席财务官和法律顾问都牵连进去的股票期权倒填日期丑闻,乔布斯一开始保持沉默态度。在最后提交给证券交易委员会的文件中,苹果承认乔布斯在这件事上是知情的。为此,乔布斯公开发表了道歉,并且声称这个小插曲绝非苹果的本性。 Jobs was initially mum as well about a stock options backdating scandal that embroiled the companys former finance chief and general counsel. In an eventual SEC filing, Apple said Jobs was aware that the company had adjusted option grant dates so that the grants were more profitable for employees. Jobs apologized for the backdating, calling the episode completely out of character for Apple. 长句翻译 17 Para-46 现在已经有迹象表明,乔布斯已经开始教育他的团队,让他们能够在他暂时离开的时候维持公司的正常运作。一位认识苹果高管团队中的某些高管的知情人士说:“整个公司都已经被彻底被培训过了,完全象乔布斯那样去思考问题。这就是为什么苹果在乔布斯离开的6个月里能够运作平稳的原因。人们会想,如果乔布斯在,他肯定也会这么做。” There are signs that Jobs has inculcated the troops enough to last awhile without him. The organization has been thoroughly trained to think like Steve, says someone with contacts among the Apple executive team. Thats why the six months went so smoothly. People could envision, This is what Steve would do. 长句翻译 18 Para-48 展望下一个十年,乔布斯也许会这样问自己:在创造了1500亿美元的股东价值,改变了电影、电信、音乐、计算甚至零食和设计等行业之后,他下一步该做些什么呢? 鉴于他喜欢保密和给人意外惊喜的惯例,我们不妨等他自己身体好了后、在合适的时候为我们解答这个问题。 Looking out on the next decade, Jobs may well be asking hi


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