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八年级’s morning paper? ----Not ____.What’s the latest news about the missing Malaysian flight? A only B. yet C ever D. just ( ) 3.---Anna, have you ____ seen China’s Got Talant? --- Of course. I ____ it last weekend. A never ; saw B. ever ;have seen C. never ;have seen D ever ;saw ( ) 4.He got married _____1998 and he has had a happy family ____ 1998. in ;in B in ;since C. since ;in D since ;since ( )5.since 2000, it has become a new city,. Everything _____. A is changed B was changed C has changed D had changed ( ) 6.The students often come to help the old woman, though she has no children, she never feels _____. A sadly B lonely C. friendly D. alone ( ) 7 John used to ____ in the sun, but now he is used to ____ at night. A. read ;read B. reading ;read C reading ;reading D .read ;reading ( )8.___ roller coaster is too old. Don’t you think it is ____ useless one? A A ;the B. An ;the C. The ;a D. The ;an ( ) 9When the boy lost his toy bear, he couldn’t stop____. A cry B to cry C. to crying D. crying ( ) 10.All the people went home ___ Mr. Wang, for he had to finish his work. A with B. besides C. except D. among ( ) 11.Sandy is going to see ____ in New York. A. the Statue of Liberty B. Big Ben C. the Opera House D. Tower Bridge ( ). 12---is it from Yangzhou to Nanjing? ---Two hour’s drive. A How long B. How soon C. How far D. How many hours ( ) 13.Yesterday, Millie __ her dictionary to me, and said I could ___ it for a week. lent ;borrowed B. borrowed;had C. gave ;keep D. lent ;keep ( )14.I hear Helen_____ here for a few days. Have ever met her? A. has come B. has arrived C. has got D has been ( )15.---Did you still remember___ him at the party last time? ----Yes, I nearly forgot about it. A seeing B to see C. see D saw ( )16. ---She’s already returned from Shanghai,____? ---No. She will come bac


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