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Module 5 Unit Two I. Important words and phrases 1. debate (on/about/over)辩论,讨论(各自发表意见) n. The students had a debate on homework. 学生们就家作问题进行了辩论。 The question is _____ ______. 问题正在讨论中。 There is ____ _____ _____ _____tax all over the country. 全国就缴税展开了热烈的讨论。 v. Politicians will be debating the bill later this week. 政治家们将在本周晚些时候讨论这个问题。 2. in addition: besides, apart from: 除……外,另外,还……,做插入语使用。 e.g. In addition, I was taught how to tie up parcels. in addition to sb/sth 除……之外(还) _______ _______ ______these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight. 除了这些安排以外,另增几辆救护车值班到午夜。 wipe out 彻底消灭,全部摧毁 Whole villages _____ ______ ______ by the earthquake. 地震把整座整座的村庄夷为平地。 2)擦掉,抹去 I tried to______ _______ the whole sad experience from my mind. 我试图从记忆中抹去那段不愉快的经历。 wipe off 擦干净,抹掉,消除 She ______ _____ ______ ______ before going to bed. 她在睡觉之前抹掉了化妆。 ______the stupid smile your face. 别那么傻笑了。 4.approach 1) vt/vi (在距离和时间上)靠近,接近 We heard a car . 我们听到一辆车驶近的声音。 Winter____ _______ . 冬天就要来临。 2) approach sb for/approach sb about doing sth 接洽,建议,要求 She the bank a loan. 她向银行要求贷款。 Several companies have _______ _______ ______ _______ up a hope primary school together. 好几家公司与我们接洽要办一所希望小学。 3)n. 靠近 She hadn’t heard _______ _______ and jumped as the door opened. 她没有听到他走近的声音,因此门开时吓了一跳。 4)n.通道;入口 ,门径;学习方法 所有去教堂的路都有部队把守着。 All the _________ _______ the church were guarded by troops. cut back on 削减 If we don’t sell more, we will have to ______ ______ ______ ______. 如果我们不能多销,就必须减产。 cut 有关的搭配 cut away:切除、剪掉; cut in:插话;cut off:切断;cut back急忙返回;修剪树枝; cut sb. short:打断(谈话) cut down 砍倒,缩小,削减 cut down on 减少……的量 They_____ _____ all the dead branches from the tree. He ____ ____ into the wood and hid there till darkness came. Our electricity has been ______ ______because of the storm. We need to____ the article _____ ____1000 words. You’d better persuade him to ____ ______ _____. 6. benefit:vt.’s advice. Many Chinese


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