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Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 第一课时 主备 审核 Period 1 预习内容: Section A 1a-1c 学习目标: 知识目标 1. 通过自主学习,掌握重点单词和短语P108(4个) yard, turn down, not at all, right away 2.掌握句型 Would you mind (not)doing sth.? 3.学会提出请求和表达歉意 能力目标 1.Would you mind doing sth ____________是一种比较客气的表达方式。 Mind后面要跟___________,其否定式是_________________________。 2.turn down 接名词和代词时分别放在什么位置上,它的反义短语和与它相关的短语 3.not at all的用法 4.right away的含义及同义短语___________ ___________ ___________     道德目标: 在与他人交流时,学会使用有礼貌的语言,体现深度的文化教养。 二.重难点:1. Would you mind turning down the music? 三.学习方法 自主学习,交流合作 四.学习过程 I. 导学释疑 自主预习学案 1.阅读教材: (1)预习单词 P 108(4个) (2)预习教材 P 52 Section A 1a-1c 2. 预习自测. 必做题 A. 想一想以前学过的mind的汉语意思?后接动词的什么形式?认真阅读教材P52 1a 后,把1a英译成汉语。 必做题 B.(P52)汉译英。 1.介意 2. 院子 3.一点也不介意 4.把------调低 5.立刻;马上 Ⅱ. 小组合作 1. 小组大声朗读学习目标中的单词和短语后,小组展示预习检测A,B必做题. 2. 组内对1a, 进行操练. 1b听力材料,补全对话。 1. A: ______________turning down the music? B: No,__________. 2. A: Would you mind _______ the yard? B: Sorry. I’ll do it___________. 3. A: Would you mind ________ your bike? B: Not at all. I’ll do it right away. 4. A: Would you mind __________ baseball here? B: We’re sorry. We _____ and play in the park. 4. 小组利用所学内容,编新对话,完成1c. 如: Would you mind (not) doing sth? – -- No, not at all./ Sorry, I’ll do it/ them right away. 用下面所给的内容问答. 打扫庭院,调小音乐,洗盘子,别关上电视, 起床,从浴室出来,,帮我做晚饭,打开电视, Ⅲ.小结 IV.反馈检测 A. 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Would you mind ________ (wash) my clothes? 2.______ you mind ________(clean) the house? 3.Would you mind not _______ (sleep) in the class? 4.Would you mind _________ (not talk) too loudly? B. ( ) 1.Would you mind___the door? It’s cold outside. A.close B.closing C.to close ( ) 2.Would you mind___in class? A.not to talk B.not talking C.not talk ( ) 3.-Would you mind looking after my dog?-____________. A.Of course


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