纸币识别系统_毕业设计 .doc

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摘 要 随着社会的发展,时代的进步,信息技术的发展大大改变了人类的生活,我们可以通过高科技来改善我们的生活质量,更快更好地达到我们的目的,而纸币清分机的出现能够让银行的工作人员减轻清分纸币的工作,继而投入到其他的服务中,提高银行的服务效率以及服务质量,进而提高了竞争能力。纸币图像的定位以及空间变换正是以纸币清分机为载体来实现的,并且对于残损的纸币也能够进行基本的处理,达到纸币清分的目的。纸币图像的定位和空间变换在当前有很多技术能够实现,本文主要通过Hough变换以及二次直线拟合的方法来实现人民币图像的边缘检测,并且通过对比两种方法的优缺点来进行合理的选择。然后再通过以图像的中心点为原点进行旋转,最终达到纸币图像的定位以及空间变换。 关键字: 图像定位;空间变换;Hough变换;二次直线拟合 Abstract Notes of the image positioning and in the current there are a lot of technology to achieve space transformation, this paper mainly through the Hough transform and the method of quadratic linear fitting to achieve the image edge detection, and through comparing the advantages and disadvantages of two methods for reasonable choice. And then through the origin of the center of the image rotate, notes image positioning and eventually reach space transformation. With the development of the society, the progress of The Times, the development of information technology has greatly changed human life, we can through high-tech to improve our quality of life, better and faster to achieve our goal, and the emergence of paper currency sorting can let bank staff can reduce the distribution of paper money work, which in turn into the other services, improve the bank's service efficiency and service quality, and improve the competitive ability. Notes of the image positioning and space transformation is in paper currency sorting as a carrier to achieve, and for the handling of the damaged paper also can be basic, achieve the goal of notes and distribution. Key words: image location; Space transformation;Hough transform; Quadratic linear fitting 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1 1.2 国内外研究状况 1 1.2.1 国外研究状况 1 1.2.2 国内研究状况 3 1.3 纸币清分系统介绍 3 1.4 本文内容和结构 4 1.4.1 本文主要内容 4 1.4.2 本文结构 4 2 MATLAB与数字图像处理 5 2.1 MATLAB简介 5 2.2 MATLAB与数字图像处理 6 3 纸币图像定位 8 3.1 纸币图像特点 8 3.2 纸币噪声处理 8 3.2.1 噪声类型 8 3.2.2 噪声处理方法 9 3.3 纸币边缘检测方法 9 3.3.1 常用的边缘检测算子 10 3.3.2 Hough变换法 12 3.3.3 二次直线拟合法 17 3.3.4 两种方法的比较 23 4


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