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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料 GMAT逻辑support题真题解析-智课教育 GMAT逻辑support题一般的分类和解题方法小编在下面为大家做 了简单的举例,相信经过大量的练习一定能抓住规律。 一、GMAT逻辑strengthen题分析 1、strengthen题的定义。 GMAT逻辑strengthen题,又称为支持题。正确选项要求我们选择 支持某个命题的结论或支持某人观点的证据或依据,使之成立可能性提 高。 2、支持题的标志: 1)标志词:strengthen、support、provide the best evidence… 2)典型问法。 The answer to which of the following questions would be most important in determining whether implementing the proposal would be likely to achieve the desired result? In assessing the plan’s chances of achieving its aim, it would be most useful to know which of the following? (详情请看 GMAT逻辑支持题综述) 二、GMAT逻辑支持题如何解题 1、支持题的解题思路。 支持题的解题方法是增加结论成立或排除其他原因,使得文章的结 论更加严谨。一般情况下针对不同类型的支持题,其正确答案的方向也 有所不同。 2、支持题的类型和解题方法。 加强方案目的型结论: (1)goal能够达到,或能更好地达到(弥补/架桥)提出新观点。 (2)别的plan不好(重复)否定新观点。 (3)plan有好处,或无害,或可行(重复)肯定老观点。 加强现象解释文:通常是否定句: (1)否命题的例子,例子与结论相一致。 (2)对结论的反面的否定。 (3)如果是已经有了结论的现象解释文,只要重复一下该解释就算加 强了。 加强普通文章: (1)问题是argument,加强推理过程,优先考虑弥补/架桥。 (2)问题是conclusion,加强结论,优先考虑重复。 3、支持题的解题技巧: (1)找出原文中的结论。 (2)锁定结论,几乎所有正确答案都对结论有影响。 (3)原文中有推理漏洞,需要仔细寻找加以支持。 (4)预先判断正确选项特征范围。 4、错误答案特征: (1)相反答案(即削弱)。 (2)伪装答案——答案加强了一个与原文结论相似的结论。 (3)无关答案。 (详情请看 GMAT逻辑支持题解题方法) 三、GMAT逻辑支持题例题分析 Astronomer: Most stars are born in groups of thousands, each star in a group forming from the same parent cloud of gas. Each cloud has a unique, homogeneous chemical composition. Therefore, whenever two stars have the same chemical composition as each other, they must have originated from the same cloud of gas. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the astronomer’s argument? (A) In some groups of stars, not every star originated from the same parent cloud of gas. (B) Clouds of gas of similar or identical chemical composition may be remote from each other. (C) Whenever a star forms, it inherits the chemical composition of its parent cloud of gas. (D) Many stars in vastly different parts of the universe are quite similar in their chemical compositions. (E) Astronomers can at least sometimes precisely determine whether a star has the same ch


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