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高中英语听力课教学设计案例 外语组:金翠萍 为了配合学校的课题研究,我在高一14班上了一节“听---读---演”课。整个课堂,学生上得很轻松,课堂充满了以前没有的欢笑。同学们的表演贴近生活,现将我的教学设计展现如下: 班级: 高2012级14班 课程: Unit.16 Warming-up listening and speaking 【学习目标】 1.单元话题讨论。 2.常识积累:生物、化学、物理的研究对象。 3.听力练习,细节问答。(认识和了解实验室的注意事项) 4.听—读—说—表演练习。 【话题引入】 1.同学们在学校里学习哪些理科学科? What are the names of the school subjects in which you study science? 2. 在各理科中,我们学什么知识? What can you learn in chemistry? How about in physics? What can you learn in biology? 3.做实验的时候,你们见到了哪些实验室规则或者注意事项? Do you still remember what your teacher often reminds you before, when and after you do an experiment? 【教学过程】 复习上一单元的“风筝实验”,叫学生到黑板前来画实验中的风筝图形并作解释。 1.教材单元话题讨论:Scientists at Work Is science interesting to study? Do you want to be a scientist? 2. 科学家需要具备什么基本素质?---- 严谨、细心、专注、奉献…… What qualities does a scientist have? 3. 课本图片描述及讨论 4.听力训练---- 听→做题→读材料→复述 (1) Listen to the tape. Tick the things that Mrs Zhu talks about. (2) Listen carefully and answer the following questions. 1) What is the most important thing students should remember? Safety comes first! 2) What is the first thing students should do when they come into the lab? Follow the teacher’s instructions. 3) Why should students be careful smelling from bottles? Bottles may contain dangerous gases. 4) What is to be done when anything gets into your eyes? Immediately wash your eyes with a lot of water. 5) What should students do before leaving the lab? 5.情景表演 (1)实验室里的突发事件:玻璃试管划破了手指 Dialogue One (对话一) Sharon: Ouch! I had my finger cut by the glass! Teacher: Let me see, Oh, It’s bleeding. Sharon: Is it bleeding? Am I dying, oh, mama, I’m dying. Teacher: Don’t be worried. It’s nothing serious. Let me send you to our school clinic. Sharon: Thank you. Let’s go. (师生之间处理,学生慌忙、老师镇定,处理恰到好处) Dialogue Two(对话二) Student A:What’s this? It’s so beautiful, let me have a look! Oh, my God! I got it broken! Student B: What’s happened to you? Look, your finger is bleeding! Student


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