Acculturation Strategies Adopted by Chinese International Students and Scholars in the United States 本科英语专业毕业论文.doc

Acculturation Strategies Adopted by Chinese International Students and Scholars in the United States 本科英语专业毕业论文.doc

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Acculturation Strategies Adopted by Chinese International Students and Scholars in the United States Abstract (1) As a major research topic in the field of cross-cultural studies, the study of acculturation and acculturation strategies has excited great interests in the present context of unavoidable globalization. (2) The present study aims to find out the most preferable acculturation strategy adopted by the Chinese international students and scholars in the United States of America, and to identify the relationship between each acculturation strategy and different factors. (3) Two questionnaires are designed and used for the present study. (4) Subjects are 55 Chinese international students and scholars in America, most of whom (93%)are non-English majors. (5) Results of the study show that integration is the most preferable acculturation strategy adopted by the Chinese international students and scholars, which is consistent with previous studies. (6) Strong correlations are found between the acculturation strategies and five factors: language preference, sociocultural adaptation, social affiliation, ethnic identity, and perceived unacceptance or discrimination. (7) The results implicate that more attention should be paid to promote cross-cultural issues in classroom teaching for non-English majors, and to strengthen the speaking and listening practices in course design for college English teaching in China. Key Words: acculturation, acculturation strategies, Chinese international students and scholars, college English teaching 提 要 作为跨文化研究领域的主要课题之一,有关文化适应及文化适应策略的研究在当前不可避免的全球一体化发展趋势下受到广泛的关注。 本文对最受在美中国国际学生及学者欢迎的文化适应策略进行调查,并且试图找出影响实验对象选择不同文化适应策略的因素。研究采用了两套问卷进行实验。实验对象包括55名正在美国学习或居留的中国国际学生及学者。大部分实验对象(93%)为非英语专业背景。研究结果与以往的研究成果相一致:融合是最受中国国际学生及学者欢迎的策略。与此相关的因素包括语言偏好,社会文化适应,社会交际,社会种族认定,以及所受歧视。 研究结果对我国大学英语教育的启示是:首先,在非英语专业学生的课堂教学中应注意跨文化课题的教育,并灌输给学生文化融合的观念。其次,在课程设置中应加强对非英语专业学生听力和口语的训练,同时改进与之配套的大学英语评价系统。 关键词: 文化适应 文化适应策略 中国国际学生及学者 大学英语教育 Table of Contents Abstract in



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