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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 图书馆类雅思口语话题整理 图书馆类雅思口语话题一般而言难度不是很大,考生向考官描述完 自己常去的图书馆后,在第三部分里会围绕图书馆的作用和未来与其展 开讨论。在“真题演练”部分native speaker描述的实际上是一个虚拟 的图书馆(这一点从地址上可以看出来),语言平实易懂,举的例子很有 普遍性。在“话题相关材料”部分,大家可以看到对大英图书馆和纽约 公共图书馆的介绍,相信从中能发现更为专业和漂亮的语言。 剑桥雅思九全面分析,全面解析雅思真题 真题演练 Describe a library that you often go to. You should say: what library it is where it is /what the library looks like what you do there and explain why you like this library. 点题 There is a library near to my home where I like to go. It is called the Peoples Library. 地点 It is located on First Avenue near Main Street. It is a very new building and has some beautiful urban sculpture standing on the grounds around it. The library has many floors. Each floor has different sections. 介绍 The firs time I went there I had to have a lot of help to find things but now I feel like it is my second home. When I go to the library I feel like I am leaving a lot of my worries and cares behind me, even if I have to go there to do some research or to study. I think that is because I know I can always find a quiet, private place where I can read or do my work. And sometimes if I want to travel to a different place or a different time, I can do that in the library by finding a book or something on the computer that will take me into another world. 活动 I am particularly interested in this library because it has a lot to offer. Besides having a good stock of books, it also provides office facilities such as a good copy machine, a book binder, many computers and printers, and much more. And it has very good service too. If you need a book in another library it will obtain that book for you by either shipping it from the other library or purchasing the book. Part 3 Libraries 1. Do people in China often go to libraries? I think people of all ages use the library. However I think students use the libraries more often than older people. I often see young children in the library but I think university students use the library the most frequently. In my



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