云计算教学资料 Chapter 5 Standards.pdfVIP

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Standards Dr. Wang Application Client Infrastructure Service Standards Chang-Dong Wang Sun Yat-sen University, P. R. China wangchd3@ /ChangDongWang Course website: /course/Cloudcomputing Standards Dr. Wang Application Client Infrastructure Service Outline 1 Application Communication Security 2 Client HTML Dynamic HTML JavaScript 3 Infrastructure Virtualization 4 Service Data Web Services Standards Dr. Wang Application Communication HTTP XMPP Security SSL OpenID Client Infrastructure Service Application 1 Communication 2 Security Standards Dr. Wang Application Communication HTTP XMPP Security SSL OpenID Client Infrastructure Service Communication Computers need a common way to speak with one another. Example Think of it like talking on the telephone to someone who doesn’t speak English and you don’t speak their language. There’s no way to achieve a common understanding. You may be able to guess a word here or there, but for the most part, the conversation won’t work. Computers can’t even guess a common word, so without a language in common, that communication won’t happen. 1 HTTP 2 XMPP Standards Dr. Wang Application Communication HTTP XMPP Security SSL OpenID Client Infrastructure Service HTTP Definition The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems1. HTTP is a stateless protocol. Example When a host needs to customize the content of a web site for a user, the web application must track the user’s progress from page to page. The most common method for solving this problem is sending and receiving cookies. 1http: ///wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol Standards Dr. Wang Application Communication HTTP XMPP Security SSL OpenID Client Infrastructure Service HTTP HTTP defines eight methods to describe how the desired action is to be performed on the server. 1 HEAD Asks for the response identical to the one that would correspond to a GET request, but without the response body. 2 GET Requests i


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