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Techrnrcal Guide ) Motor performance ) Factors that change Motor performance Foctor O Voltoge of Power Supply J"\ii,;U lf only the voltage of power supply changes, the change in rlrotor perforrngsglin direct proportion to that change in vortage. - As is quite apparent from the fisure berow, the speed ,,""" .3:Y"T[)l:5,he orisinarwhire the currenr armost straignt on rts l ine (Note, however' that these proportional changes are not obtainable any more oeyoncl a certain limit range ) -.- 11\ \ i l \ , l l r I ' I @'; . / ( " 1 v i Comparative Cond i t ions Supply voltage Type of power supply Number of turns per slot Diameter of magnet wire Type of magnet ' Flux yoke Phase Environmental temperature Compare between 5V, 1OV, and .l5V That same one That same one That same one That same one None That same one That same one N o ' = lo' + ls' = ls Ts' = Ts No x+ l o "+ "+ \f: voltage m be found tv) V : Originalvohage (v) t ,d{ tn({ , J ' i r i : i in. { f \ Techinrcal Guide ) Motor Performance ) Factors that change Motor performance Foctpr O Phqse ^. i '\$t tlrr.l _1Jwt,t.,t \ *.i.tPhase refers to positional relations between the centerline of each polar magnet and the switching position of \ i l N u t $ - - -''_:, -. gmutatg( seoments andt'rug!9s! / \ Motors. assembled init ially with neutral phase, runs under load lagging momentarily In the electrical phase due to its phenomenal armature reaction- Legglng in phase, therefore, is not preferable, since it causes efficiency, electrrcal noise, and life to beco.Ee even worse. To avoid these situations, improved motors are assembled with fonrrard brush-shifting that ofisets the armature reaction during load operation to keep them on neutral electricallv Comparative Supply voltage Conditions Type of power supply Number of turns per slot Diameter of magnet wire Type of magnet Flux yoke phase Environmental temperature That same one Constant-voltage power supply That same one That same one That same one None Compar


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