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环境公益诉讼原告资格认定研究 环境公益诉讼原告资格认定研究 中文摘要 随着经济高速发展以及科学技术水平的不断提高,人类对环境资源最大程度进行开发利用以及依靠环境进行基础建设。随之面临的就是自然人、法人、或其他组织的违法行为或不作为,使环境公共利益遭受侵害或即将遭受侵害。环境是全民共享和维护的空间,中国现行的法律制度规定,起诉人应当与案件有直接利害关系,而环境引起的问题往往是公共的、间接的,因此环境公益诉讼应运而生。自2013年1月1日的新民事诉讼法施行后,公益诉讼制度首次在我国明确提出。但由于规定过于笼统,又没有出台对应的司法解释,造成了司法操作的困难,我国仍然缺失具体能提起公益诉讼的原告。本文针对公益诉讼当中原告资格的确定问题的现存的立法制度以及立法当中存在的缺漏,并且针对环境诉讼原告资格的制度设计提出一些构建性的建议。 关键词:环境公益诉讼 原告资格 完善 立法构想                                                                                                                                                                                 Study on the plaintiff qualification of environmental public interest litigation  With the rapid development of economy and the improvement of science and technology, the greatest degree of environment for the development and utilization of resources and rely on environmental infrastructure. Violations will face is a natural person, legal person, or other organization or omission, which suffered or will be violated environmental public interest. The environment is shared by all and maintenance, the provisions China current legal system, the prosecution should have direct interest in the case, and the environmental problems caused by the public, often is indirect, the environmental public interest litigation emerge as the times require. Since the implementation of the new civil procedure law in January 1, 2013, public interest litigation system for the first time in our country made clear. But because of the provisions are too general, and not issued the corresponding judicial interpretation, resulting in the judicial operation difficulties, China is still lack of specific to the plaintiffs filed public interest litigation. This paper aims at the problems of public interest litigation, plaintiff qualification of the existing legislation system and legislation gaps, and puts forward some constructive suggestions for the system design of the plaintiff qualification of environmental liti


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