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广 州 康 联 装 饰 设 计 有 限 公 司;品牌康联 — 用心服务,携手共赢;实用、舒适、高效、价值;关于康联 About HUD;企业核心价值观 — 用心服务,携手共赢 Corporate ore Value--Providing whole-hearted services, creating win-win outcomes;员工品质: 诚实、勤奋、进取、团结、责任心 Quality of Staffs: Being honest, hard-working, progressive, united and responsible 用人标准: 有德有才,给予重用;有德无才,培养使用;有才无德,坚决不用 Employment Standard: Talented and sainted person will be placed in important positions; sainted but not talented will be employed after training; talented but not sainted will never be employed 康联环境: 康联有您,有我,同一个梦想,同一个家 Corporate Environment: HUD is home to us, within which both you and I share the same dream ;;装修咨询 Decoration Consultation;· 高端办公室装修 High-end office decoration · 大型写字楼装修 Large office decoration · 连锁店铺装修 Chain store decoration · 高级商场装修 High-level shopping mall decoration · 形象旗舰店设计 Flagship store decoration · 高档酒店装修 Upscale hotel decoration · 连锁餐厅装修 Chain restaurant decoration · 美容会所装修 Beauty club decoration · 商务会所装修 Business club decoration ;优势一:一站式配套服务 Strength One: “one-stop supporting”service 康联坚持装修设计、项目施工、配套设施、售后维护一站式服务策略,力致于解决您的装修烦恼。 HUD is committed to providing one-stop service including decoration and design, project construction, supporting facilities, and after-sales maintenance to help you resolve decoration trouble. 优势二:灵魂设计 Strength Two: providing design with a soul 康联专注于办公室装修,打造有灵魂的办公环境。坚持以设计为支撑,质量为根本,拒绝平庸,只做有灵魂的设计。 HUD specializes in office decoration and tries to create for clients an office environment that has its soul. We stick to design and strive for quality, we refuse mediocre by only creating design that has its soul. 优势三:康联“五心”精神 Strength Three: HUD “Five-heart ”spirit “专心、耐心、细心、责任心、爱心” 康联“五心精神”为客户提供“五星服务”。 We provide customers with a five star service by employing the spirit of “being concentrated, patient, attentive, responsible and caring”. 优势四:VIP售后服务保障 Strength Four: VIP after-sales services 工程保质保量完成后,康联会为您指派专享客服定期回访,提供终身的VIP服务。 After the completion of the project, each client can rece


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