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旅游教育论文:吉林省旅游教育发展现状研究 【中文摘要】在全国旅游大发展的浪潮下,吉林省旅游行业的各项指标也在稳步上升。随着旅游业的快速发展,省内旅游教育事业也取得了长足的进步。它几乎与国内旅游教育同时起步、发展。时至今日,已有30年的发展历史。不过省内旅游教育仍然处于探索阶段,存在问题颇多。目前,虽然探讨旅游教育的研究成果颇多,但针对吉林省旅游教育的研究却极其有限。而要想得到长足、稳定且可持续的发展,就需要全方位探讨省内旅游教育如何在专业设置、培养目标、人才数量及质量等方面更加符合吉林省旅游行业的发展现状,只有这样才能真正解决由于省内旅游业快速发展而造成的人才短缺问题。因此,本文试图对吉林省的人才培养、旅游院校、旅游课程、教育教学模式、专业师资等方面进行分析研究,力求全面地了解吉林省??游教育发展现状。本文采用了文献资料和问卷调查相结合的方法,分层次介绍了吉林省旅游教育的发展历程,并从省内院校、专业设置、课程体系、师资等方面全面具体地介绍了吉林省旅游教育现状及特点。此外,本文还从学生需求的角度全面调查了省内旅游专业学生对旅游专业的评价与期望。并在分析现状的基础上,阐述了吉林省旅游教育存在的问题,并提出了有针对性的政策。 【英文摘要】The great development of tourism in the country under the wave, the each index of tourism industry in Jillian Province has also increased steadily. With the rapid development of tourism, tourism education in the province has made great progress. It is almost the same time starting with the domestic tourism education and developing. Today, there has been a 30-year history of development. However, the province’s tourism education is currently still in the exploratory stage with many problems. To be great, stable and sustainable development, we need to discuss how it set in the professional, training objectives, talent quantity and quality of the tourism industry more in line with current development in Jillian Province; only in this way can we truly solve the problem of talent shortages in the provincial tourism industry. Therefore, this article attempts to Jillian Province, personnel training, tourism institutions, tourism courses, education and teaching model, professional teachers in areas such as analysis, and strive to fully understand the Development of Tourism Education, Jillian Province.This article describes the development process of tourism education in Jillian Province, and proposes countermeasures of Jillian tourism education development from several aspects:The provincial institutions, professional setting, curriculum, teachers, and specific aspects of a comprehensive introduction to the status and characteristics of tourism education in Ji


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