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黑河学院课程教案 课程 类型必修公共基础课(√);专业基础课( );专业课( )考核 方式考试(√); 考查( )选修限选课( );任选课( )章节名称Unit One The Dinner Party Period One 教学目的Aims: A. Get students actively involved in discussing the topic “Are you more suspicious of some strangers than others?” B. Improve students’ vocabulary. C. Help students build up their word power through a variety of drilling practices. 教 学 重 点 难 点 Emphases: Helping students enhance their oral English during their discussion, the teacher should also give correct guidance to students. Difficulties: Make students mater key words and useful expressions.      教学方法 和手段Explanation and give some sentences to help students to understand the words Heuristic method Question-and-Answer method The communicative method 教学过程Procedure : Step I. Introduction (5mins) Self-introduction Introduction to the course and requirements Step II. Lead-in: Warm-Up Questions (10 mins) 1. Women used to be referred to as the weaker sex. What do you think? 2. Do you think there is real equality between the sexes in present-day China? Step III. New Lesson: Word Study (70 mins) (I). Explain the usage of words and phrases in this unit. unexpected; spacious; bare; outgrow; react; crisis; contract; motion; commotion; impulse; forfeit; image; emerge; slam; faint; track down; spring up; make for; ring out (II). Do exercises about new words in this unit. Step V. Summary (5mins) 1. Pay attention to differences between bare and empty. 2. Memorize some new words in the exercises. Step VI. Homework 1. Read the extensive reading materials on page 19 after class. 2. Preview the Text 3. Search some information about cobra. 作业题 和思考 题布置1. Read the extensive reading materials on page 19 after class. 2. Preview the Text 3. Search some information about cobra. 参考资料Reference Book for College English Oxford English Dictionary 要求自 学内容Search some information about cobra. 双语内容 教学后记 (经验教训、学生反映、改进意见)教研室主任审查签字黑河学院课程教案 课程 类型必


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