英语(译林版)模块5 Unit2 Theenvironment对点题组练习.doc

英语(译林版)模块5 Unit2 Theenvironment对点题组练习.doc

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英语(译林版)模块5 Unit2 Theenvironment对点题组练习.doc

第  PAGE 3 页 共  NUMPAGES 3 页 Unit 2 The environment [对 点 题 组] Ⅰ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.She has a strong sense of ________(responsible)towards her employees. 2.Contrary to popular ________(believe),the desert can be a beautiful place. 3. The patient needed ________(operate)on as soon as possible. 4.I would like to express my ________(apprecite)and thanks to you all. 5.She was so ________(absorb)in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door. 答案 1.responsibility 2.belief 3.operating 4.appreciation 5.absorbed Ⅱ.单项填空 1.—Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree? —No,its out of________. A.range B.reach C.control D.distance 答案 A [句意:“你能射下树顶上的那只鸟吗?”“不能,超出射程了。”out of reach“(手)够不着”;out of control“失控”;out of distance“超出距离”,都不符合??境。out of range“在射程外,超出范围”。] 2.I really appreciate________to help me with my maths,but Im afraid that I have no time this week. A.you to offer B.it you offer C.your offering D.this you are offering 答案 C [考查appreciate的用法。句意:我真的很感激你主动提出帮我学数学,但是恐怕这周我没时间。appreciate“感激”,后跟v.-ing作宾语,故答案选C。] 3.The photographer needs to charge up the digital camera every day as the battery________quickly. A.shuts up B.ends up C.runs out D.turns out 答案 C [考查动词短语辨析。句意:这位摄影师每天都需要给数码相机充电,因为电池很快就用完了。run out“用完,用尽”。] 4.She debated________without saying anything but decided against it. A.to leave B.left C.leaves D.leaving 答案 D [句意:她打算不辞而别,但又决定不这样做。debate doing...“考虑做……”。] 5.Youd better fly somewhere in the west.Then you can________ a hire car and travel around. A.take up B.get on C.pick up D.turn on 答案 C [考查动词短语辨析。take up“开始学,从事,占据”;get on“上车,相处,进展”;上小汽车用get into。表示上车时多指公交车。pick up“拾起,学会,收听到,搭车”;turn on“打开”。根据句子意思,应选择pick up“搭乘”。] 6.Smiling,more often than not,is a good way to avoid any possible________in our daily life. A.explanation B.debate C.fault D.conflict 答案 D [考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我们日常生活中,微笑通常是一种能避免任何可能的冲突的好方式。explanation“解释”;debate“辩论”;fault“错误”;conflict“冲突”。conflict符合句意,故答案选D。] 7.The successful



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