社会语言学 语用学.ppt

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社会语言学 语用学

Linguistic Pragmatics: Conversational Implicature;Content;Is this your pen?; Background of Pragmatics;The term “pragmatics” may be used in three senses: First, it may refer to a discipline. (Pragmatics is a newly arising discipline.) Secondly, the term may refer to itself. Thirdly, “pragmatics” may refer to the phenomenon of language use, or that of the regularity in language use.;Although pragmatics is a relatively new branch of linguistics, research on it can be dated back to ancient Greece and Rome where the term “pragmaticus” is found in late Latin and “pragmaticos” in Greek, both mean being practical.;The term “pragmatics” was first introduced into the literature by the American philosopher Charles William Morris in 1937 in his Logical Positivism, Pragmatism and Scientific Empirism.;Syntax: the four sentences are results of different transformation from the same underlying structure.;句法学家会指出这是一个无主语的祈使句,由一个动词加一个代词组成。;Structural Linguistics ;in China: Hu Zhuanglin published Pragmatics in Linguistics Abroad in 1980.;Jacob L. Mey. Pragmatics: An Introduction. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2001; Semantics was an abstract science whose main concern was the conditions under which a sentence could be true or false.;Where negation, connectives, quantifiers, and conditionals are involved, we need rules of inference in order to determine true conditions.;It might seem that if we had such a complete and accurate lexicon that we knew exactly what everything is called, and we had the right rules of inference, it would be possible to establish the truth of anything which might be expressed in the language that lexicon goes with, without regarding to who uttered the expression to whom under what conditions, or semantics could be established completely and independently of pragmatics. For better or worse, though, there are myriad problems with this idea.;Semantics was unable to explain certain phenomena that transcended those conditions. For instan



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