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潍坊学院本科毕业论文 PAGE  PAGE 42 冲床自动进料系统与PLC系统设计  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要:冲压成形的冲压件具有重量轻、厚度薄、刚性好和质量稳定等一系列优点,冲压设备被广泛使用。但由于传统的冲床控制采用接触器、继电器控制,手工送料的方式,所以往往存在着效率低、速度慢、精度不能保证、安全存在隐患等方面的一系列问题,虽然购置新的数控设备可以解决这一问题,但往往资金投入较大,小型企业难以承受,若能在保留原有机床的基本功能基础上,对其进行适当的改造与改进,不失为一种好的方法。 设计主要包含了两方面内容:即原有控制系统的改造与自动送料装置的研制。设计思想是:利用接近开关检测冲头的位置,采集的信息经处理后馈送到PLC控制器,PLC控制器通过程序控制放料电机、喂料步进电机带动机械传动装置与吹风阀协调工作,从而完成“放料—喂料—冲模—吹风”这一系列动作,并借助于触摸屏完成相应参数的显示与选择,运动的启动、停止等控制操作。 本论文在内容安排上首先介绍了题目的来源与意义及其相关的背景;系统方案的确定、总体的组成、设计思想与理论依据等;随后对系统进行了详细设计,包括:张力控制设计、电气控制主电路与辅助电路设计、PLC控制器的资源分配、电气连接、软件程序代码的编写、触摸屏部分的连接方式等。 关键词:PLC控制 触摸屏 自动送料机 冲床改造 The machine of press’design of automatic feed system and PLC system Abstract:The stamping work piece has a series of advantages with light weight, thin thickness, good rigidity and stable quality and so on. The stamping equipment has been widely used. But traditional punch control may solve these problems, but the fund to be invested is greater, small company is hard to bear. It will be a good method if we can carry out proper transformation and improvement for the original machine tool without changing its basic functions, which will not only economize fund but also make good use of original machine tool. Based on this thought, overall transformation of the punch producing the meal box in CHANG ZHI KeDa trade company has been carried out. This paper will elaborate the process of design in detail. The design contains two main sections: the transformation of the original control system and the development of automatically sending material installation. Our design thought is to detect the location of the head of punch by using near switch, handle and feed material stepping motor driving the mechanical device to work with blow valve coordinative by PLC controller, thus complete corresponding parameter show and selection , movement starting and stopping and other control operation by means of the touch-screen . This paper first introduces the background related to it and


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