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Module 4;Module 4 Grammar Infinitive 1.不定式的用法 2.不定式的时态与语态;1. To master a foreign language is necessary for a college student. 2. It is good manners to help people in trouble.;Your job is to wash dishes. All I did was (to) give him some advice.;She promised to give him a chance.;少数介词后面可跟不定式作宾语 1.It has no choice but to lie down and sleep. 2.They didn’t open their mouths except to complain.;当句子中的主动词为do时, but, except后的动词不定式省去to; can’t but, can’t choose but, can’t help but, do nothing but, rather than, had better之后省略to.;He does nothing but play all day. At the news she didn’t say anything but to cry. He can’t choose but do it. There’s nothing to do except/but wait till it stops raining.;4. 作宾语补足语;A. ask, tell, order, command, beg, get, request, require, invite, force, permit, cause, forbid, allow, wish, want, expect, encourage, advise, persuade, warn, would like等动词可以接带to的不定式作宾补。;B. think, consider, believe, suppose, know, feel, find, understand等动词后常接to be + adj. 作宾补。;The flu is believed _____ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. (04sh) A. causing B. being C. to be caused D. to have caused;C. 不定式作补语,可根据需要在前加 how, where, when, what等疑问词。;D. see, hear, watch, feel, notice, let, make, have等后跟不定式作宾补时, 不加to, help后可加可不加.;5. 作主语补足语;6.作后置定语;不定式作宾语,动词如果不是及物动词,后面应加必要的介词;7. 作目的状语, to可用in order to或so as to代替(so as to 不能置于句首)。;8. 作结果状语;He hurried to his house, only to find it had been broken into. I stood there, never to be feeling so stupid. Her parents died, leaving her an orphan. There was a tornado yesterday, causing 100 deaths.;不定式的复合结构;We must learn what to do in face of difficulties. I wonder if you could tell me how to get to the station.;2. 带有逻辑主语的结构; 此结构中的形容词说明句中行为动词的特征;It is foolish of you to say such words. You are foolish to say such word. It is necessary for us to learn our lessons well. We are necessary to learn our lessons well.;Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.


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