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2008 3 Mar. , 2008 2 ( 23 , 116 ) LegalForum No. 2( Vol. 23, Ser. No. 116) 汪全胜 ( , 264209) : 法律绩效评估是指法律实施 一段时间以后, 有关政府部门组织或人员对其实施效果等 行评估, 根据法律 在实施中存在的问题, 分析其立法上的原因, 从而 一步完善立法立法的合法性评估是法律绩效评估的重要内 容之 一, 它包括立法的形式合法性价值合法性以及实践合法性的评估当下中国立法面临权限不清晰公众参与 缺乏等合法性困境, 需在立法程序立法权限等制度方面加以重构 : 法律绩效评估; 立法合法性; 形式合法性; 价值合法性; 实践合法性 : D911.01 : A : 1009- 8003( 2008) 02- 0044- 08 Subject:The Evaluatio of the Legislative Legitimacy Author unit:WANG Qua - she g( Law School, Sha do g U iversity Weihai Bra ch, Weihai Sha do g 264209, Chi a) Abstract:The legal performa ce evaluatio is that some admi istrative orga izatio , other structures a d it. s people evaluate the impleme ti g effect of the law, fi d the problem i the impleme tatio a d it. s causes, a d the i te d is to perfect the Legislatio . The evaluatio of the legislative legitimacy is o e ki d of i te ts a d it i cludes the evaluatio of the formal Legitimacy, value legitimacy a d practical legitimacy of the legislatio . But it faces the legitimacy dilemma such as u clear power limit a d shortage of public atte da t i our cou try legislatio a dwe must rebuild the i stitutio of the Legislative procedure a d power limit a d so o . Key words:the legal performa ce evaluatio ; legislative legitimacy; formal legitimacy; value legitimacy; practical legitimacy / 0 , , / 0 :/ , , ; , / 0 , , / 0 0 [ 1] , ? , / 0 , ? , / 0 ,/ ( Legitimus) ,


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