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Lecture Two Principles of Business Negotiation 4Cs in Negotiation The context of the 4Cs in which negotiation takes place.谈判要明确的四点背景内容 Common interests (谈判者追求的目标) Conflicting interests (要谈的内容) Compromise (取舍点) Criteria or objectives(明确目标及实现的准则) Negotiation environment The composition of international negotiation environment:会影响谈判的战略和策略 1.Political system 2.Economical system 3.Social system 4.Cultural system Some Basic Negotiation Principles Principle of willingness ( premise of negotiation ) Equality Principle ( foundation of negotiation ) Principle of Mutual Benefits ( aim or goal of negotiation ) 4. Principle for Common interests ( key of negotiation ) 5. Principle for efficiency ( guarantee of negotiation ) Principle of legality (foundation of negotiation) Equality Principle: 1) It means both parties are equal in law status. They have equal rights and obligation. They do business out of their own needs and they are informed of each other to enjoy mutual benefits. 2)When one party takes much less than is given, the other party will feel reluctant to continue negotiating. Hence either party should be well prepared for the negotiation and ready to satisfy each other’s needs on an equal basis. Principle of Collaborative Negotiation (CN) The six guidelines for CN Acknowledge the concerns of the other side and focus on interests rather than positions. Encourage joint fact finding. 3. Offer contingent commitments to minimize impacts if they do occur, and promise to compensate knowable but unintended impacts. 4. Accept responsibility, admit mistakes, and share power. 5. Act in a trustworthy fashion at all times. 6. Focus on building long-term relationships The collabrative negotiation focuses on interests rather than positions, place value on relationship. Principled Negotiation (It is particularly oriented to collaborative negotiations.) Four key words are focused: People problems Interests or posit


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