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授课题目 (章、节) Part V Twentieth-century Literature-F. Scott Fitzgerald 授课方式 Student-oriented communicative teaching 授课时间 2011年10 月 13 日 第 7周 第 13次课 课时 2 教材及主 要参考书 吴伟仁, 美国文学史及选读(第二册)(History and Anthology of American Literature), 北京,外研社,2009 吴伟仁,美国文学史及选读 学习指南, 北京,外研社,2009 朱刚,新编美国文学史,上海,上海外语教育出版社, 2004 常耀信,美国文学简史(第二版),天津,南开大学出版社,2003 教学目标与要求: Understand the spirit of the Jazz Age reflected in Fitzgeralds works; Understand the writing style of Fitzgerald. 知识点、难点与重点: The spirit of the Jazz Age reflected in Fitzgeralds works The Great Gatsby; The analysis of the social background reflected in The Great Gatsby. 教学过程设计:(包括教学方式及方法、时间分配、媒体选用及板书设计) step 1 author 20mins step 2 representative works 25mins step 3 Reading excerpt 45mins 教研室审阅意见: 教研室组长: 年 月 日 说明:1、本表原则上以每章为单位填写。2、此表后面为本次安排的授课内容的教案正文。 基 本 内 容 辅助手段 和时间分配 F.Scott. Fitzgerald Part V Twentieth-century Literature I. Brief Introduction A member of the Lost generation. His family: socially prominent and genteelly poor. Serve in World War I: fell hopelessly in love with Zelda Sayre. Determined to win success, fame and Zelda. Get married with Zelda, after the publication of his first novel. Marriage life: extravegent, but he continues writing Novel, play, short stories, screen writing at Hollywood Sickness: His wife: mental breakdown Fitzgerald: a heart attack His influence: he is judged to be one of the major American prose writers of this century. 6. The Jazz Age it describes the period of the 1920s and 1930s, the years between World War I and World War II, particularly in North America; with the rise of the Great Depression, the values of this age saw much decline. Perhaps the most representative literary work of the age is American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, highlighting what some describe as the decadence (衰落享乐主义individualism. Fitzgerald is largely credited (把…归功于…)


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