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5 things you should know before buying a house 买房前你需要知道的5件事 Buying a house is an exciting but scary step. Home ownership means making an investment in your future, but it also means committing to stay put, at least for a while. Before you make that commitment, you should ensure you are making an informed decision, and not one based on how beautiful the home is or your desire to be on your own. 买房子是令人兴奋却又让人慌乱的一步。房屋所有权意味着对你的未来做了一次投资,此外也表示将承诺扎根于此,至少也会是一段时间。在你做出承诺前,你应该明了你正在做一项明智的决定,而不是因为房子是多么漂亮或是你渴望能独立。 1. Your Financial Situation 你的财务状况 Just because you qualify for a loan does not necessarily mean you should take a loan. On the other hand, if you don't think you can qualify for a loan, you might be mistaken. When you consider buying a home, sit down with a professional--a loan counselor at your bank or a representative from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development, for instance--and discuss your options. Have tax and income documents ready, as well as a list of your expenses and a copy of your credit report. 仅仅因为你够资格去贷款也不意味着你应该贷款。换句话说,如果你认为自己没有资格申请贷款,那你可能误解了。当你在考虑买房时,和专业人士一起坐着谈谈你的选择——比方说银行的贷款咨询顾问或是美国住房和城市发展部的办事员。准备好税收和收入的文件证明,以及开销清单和一份信用报告。 According to CNN Money, you should try to find a home that is two and a half times your yearly salary. So, if you have a yearly salary of $40, 000, you should not choose a house that costs more than $120, 000. However, if you have large loan payments or other expenses, you may not want to, or be qualified to, go that high. Ask the professional to help you get a good picture of your earnings, expenses and how they would change if you bought a home. 根据CNN财经频道,你找的房子房价应该是你年薪的2.5倍。所以,如果你年薪40,000美元,你不应该选成本超过120,000美元的房子。然而, 如果你有大额贷款或其它开销,你可能不会想或是没有资格去申请那么多的贷款。咨询专业人士,让他们帮你明了你的收入、支出,以及如果你想买房收支应该做哪些调整。 2. Home's History 房屋概况 A beautiful home on several acres of green yard might look appealing, but that pretty picture could be hiding problems that will cost you thousands of dollars and hours of lost sleep in the lo


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