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科技时代演讲稿 篇一:数字时代中英文演讲稿 一年前,阿巴·达韦萨AbhaDawesar生活在飓风桑迪过后断电的曼哈顿,为上网四处找电充。作为一个小说家,她从中发现其隐喻:在生活深度与数字世界连结的同时,我们是否错过了真实世界? I was in New York during Hurricane Sandy, and this little white dog called Maui was staying with me. Half the city was dark because of a power cut, and I was living on the dark side.Now, Maui was terrified of the dark, so I had to carry him up the stairs, actually down the stairs first, for his walk, and then bring him back up. I was also hauling gallons of bottles of water up to the seventh floor every day. And through all of this, I had to hold a torch between my teeth. The stores nearby were out of flashlights and batteries and bread. For a shower, I walked 40 blocks to a branch of my gym. 当飓风桑迪来袭时,我正在纽约 和一只名叫毛伊的小白狗 待在一起 由于停电,半个城市处于黑暗中 我当时就在黑暗(停电)的这一边 毛伊非常怕黑 我只好把它抱上楼 实际上是先带下楼去遛 再把它抱回来 我每天还要将数加仑的瓶装水 艰难地拖到七楼 而且同时 我还得牙咬着手电照明。 附近商店里的手电筒,电池 和面包早已售罄 为了洗个澡,我得走40个路口 到一个健身中心去。 But these were not the major preoccupations of my day. It was just as critical for me to be the first person in at a cafe nearby with extension cords and chargers to juice my multiple devices. I started to prospect under the benches of bakeries and the entrances of pastry shops for plug points. I wasn't the only one. Even in the rain, people stood between Madison and 5th Avenue under their umbrellas charging their cell phones from outlets on the street.Nature had just reminded us that it was stronger than all our technology, and yet here we were, obsessed about being wired. 但这些并不是我一天中最重要的任务 对我来说同样重要的还有能否第一个 带上充电线到附近的一家咖啡馆 给我的多个设备充电。 我开始寻找面包店长椅下 和糕点店入口处的那些插座我并不是唯一一个 即使下着雨,也有人打着雨伞站在 麦迪逊和第五大道之间的街边插座旁等着自己的手机充电 大自然提醒着我们 它比所有的技术来的强大 但我们仍然沉迷于上网。 I think there's nothing like a crisis to tell you what's really important and what's not, and Sandy made me realize that our devices and their connectivity matter to us right up there with food and shelter. The self as we once knew it no longer exists, and I think that an abstract, digital universe has become a part of our


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