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理货报告,翻译 :理货 翻译 报告 理货宝下载 上海外轮理货查询 理货实训报告的体验 篇一:理货英语翻译27-30整理 27.III. Put the following sentences into Chinese. 1. It is quite evident that the cargo was damaged before discharging because the traces of the damage are old ones. . 很明显货损是在卸船之前发生的,因为残损痕迹是旧的。 2. If there is any argument between the ship and the tallymen about the damaged cargo, we usually submit the case to the cargo surveyor for decision. 如船方和理货员之间对残损火舞有争议,我们通常会将此事提交商检员。 3. Damage to the cargo on deck is often found particularly when a ship encountered bad weather. 甲板货物经常发现残损特别是当船遭遇到恶劣天气的时候。 4. Though deck cargo is loaded at the shipper’s risk yet the ship has to certify the damage condition. 虽然甲板货物装船风险由发货人承担,但船方须证明货物的状况。 5. The damage occurred after discharging and before delivery to receivers should be reported separately. 卸船后、货交收货人前发生的货损应当分别报告。 IV. Put into English 1. 很明显,由于积载不良,货物受到了损坏。 Obviously, the cargo was damaged due to improper stowage. 2. 从残损的痕迹可以看出,这是原残,我们不应当负责。 We can see from the traces of the damage that it’s the original damage. So we should not be responsible for it. 3. 没有必要把工残写在现场记录上,因为这与你们船方无关。 It’s not necessary to take the stevedore’s damage down on the on-the-spot record, because it has nothing to do with you. 4. 我们应当将工残和原残严格地区分开来。 We should distinguish strictly the original damage with the stevedore’s damage. 5. 看来,唯一的解决办法是将此事提交给商检人员决定了。 So, the only solution is to submit this case to the cargo surveyor for decision. 28.III. Put the following sentences into Chinese. 1. The discharging has been finished, there is some sweepings left on the lower hold. 卸货已结束,在底舱留有一些地脚货。 2. To my knowledge, we can never use sweepings to make up for the short- landed cargo.. 据我所知,我们不能用地脚货物来充当短缺货物。 3. The figures of cargo discharged from respective hatches do not correspond to those on the cargo plan. 从各个舱口卸货数量与积载图不一致。 4. There some torn bags in the lower hold of Hatch No.3 which lead to the occurrence of sweepings. 5. We can’t offset the shortlanded urea bags


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