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药理学--第十六章 镇痛药
Chapter 16 Analgesics objective 1. 掌握 吗啡、哌替啶的药理作用与作用 机制、临床应用,不良反应和禁忌症。 2. 熟悉 阿片生物碱类镇痛药的概念、分类 可待因、喷他佐辛、曲马朵、 罗通定、纳洛酮的药理作用和临床用途. 3.了解 其他镇痛药的概念与应用特点 Introduction pain 【definition】 1) a common experience; 2) an essential defensive function, 3) an unpleasant sensory and emotion 4) with actual or potential tissue damage . Opioid analgesics Pharmacokinetics First-pass elimination is extensive bioavailability is low. Passes through BBB and placenta(胎盘)barrier. Excretes : kidney, secretes in milk Pharmacological Effects Sedation 镇静 Respiratory depression Inhibition of cough reflex(咳嗽反射) 抑制咳嗽中枢 Others Miosis (缩瞳): “pinpoint pupils” is valuable in the diagnosis of opioid overdosage. 二. Smooth muscle (1) Constipation(便秘): 三. Cardiovascular system (1) Hypotension (低血压): a. Cause peripheral vasodilation. (外周血管舒张) b. Increase histamine(组胺)release. c. Respiratory depression ? CO2 ? ? vasodilation(血管舒张) 2. Intracranial pressure(颅内压)? respiratory depression ? CO2 ? ? Cerebral vasodilation. Inhibit immunoreaction免疫系统 (–) lymphopoiesis (淋巴细胞增殖), ? secretion of cellular factors, (–) immunoreaction induced by HIV. Morphine ? (+) Opioid receptors ? 模拟内源性阿片肽作用 ? 增强内源性镇痛系统的功能 ? analgesia 镇 痛 Opioid receptors [Clinical Uses ] 1. Analgesia 镇痛:其它镇痛药无效的急性锐痛 心梗剧痛:前提:BP正常 机理:镇痛、镇静、扩血管 biliary colic(胆绞痛):with atropine 2.Cardiogenic asthma Side Effects Dizziness昏眩 , nausea, vomiting, constipation便秘 , respiratory depression, increased biliary tract pressure. 成瘾者为获得用吗啡后的欣快感及避免停药后引起的戒断症状,常不择手段以获得吗啡. addiction therapy morphine poisoning cause coma、 pin