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2008 12 2008, 12 2 3 7 Foreign Languages andTheir Teach ing Serial 237 陈明芳 (武汉工程大学研究生处, 湖北武汉 430073) : 本论文旨在考察不同学科(自然科学和社会科学) 的博士学位论文文献综述的相似之处以及不同的语域 征, 得 出文献综述的 4步骤模式结构(参阅已有文献 对选题进行总体评价 对前期研究成果进行详细的评判 从文献综述 中得出结论)和该部分常见的 3种视角, 并指出文献综述语篇中的视角和该部分的结构 征存在如下关系: 原作者 - 研究结 果视角贯穿于文献综述的所有四个步骤, 它有时与原作者 - 读者视角紧密相连出现在步骤 2和步骤 3, 原作者- 科学视 角常见用于步骤 3和步骤 4 : 文献综述; 结构 征; 视角 A b stract: This paper pro es into the generic smi ilarities and differences of PhD dissertationL iteratureR eview s in natural science and social science, finds the 4 - M ove structure ofL iterature Review s( nam ely Constructing reference to the pu lishedw ork-General comm ents on the su ject under investiga- tion D etailed evaluations on the previou s research Summ ary) and the 3 perspectiveswhich are often portrayed in them in connectionw ith thesem oves. The author-research results perspective runs through all the m oves. H ow ever, this perspective is som etmi es closely linked to the author-reader perspective which asically occurs inM oves 2 and 3. The author-science perspective is often realized inM oves 3 and 4. K eyW ord s: L iterature Review; generic features; perspective : H0 : A : 1004- 6038( 2008) 12- 0012- 05 ence, SS) , 1. 50 ( ) LR ( dissertation) , ( research LR, article, RA)( theses), 100 ( Dudley-Evans, 1999) , 15 , 44 RA, ( structure) ( L iterature review , R eview of literature L iterature survey), 12 ( purpose)( readership)


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