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The Web of Meaning: The Business Value of the Semantic Web William Ruh Global Practice Director December 1, 2004 The World’s Most Successful Business Document The Semantic Web brings additional benefits What if all business information had these attributes? Executives could answer: Who are the most profitable clients? I’m meeting with the FUBAR corporation today, tell me everything about our relationship. Where do these numbers come from? Employees could: Ensure compliance with Sarbanes Oxley, Basel II and other regulations through the information linked and embedded into financials and business documents Find the information they need when they need it including all the supporting information Stop getting an unreadable number of hits on search engines IT Professionals React faster to B2B and other external integration needs Spend less time on formats and more on content integration Support all of the above and more! Why can’t we do this today in business? The Semantic Web: A Natural Evolution in the Enterprise IT Environment A Dose of Reality: The Good and Bad So how is this being applied today in business: Tip of the iceberg: RDF is being applied under the covers of well over 100 identified products and over 25 information service providers (brute force search unaided by the Semantic Web) DARPA is applying in several high profile projects for the DoD, including in the creation of DAML Creation of Ontologies for business and government Proprietary protocols being transformed in XML based formats – FIXML, HL7, LegalXML, Rate Sheet Markup Language and 100’s of others ( Web Ontology Language (OWL) But this is not free, there is hard work and more evolution to achieve Nirvana Ontology and structure require real work to derive the benefits Network technology needs to become more application aware Technology adoption is governed by the knowledge absorption rate of XML and the semantic web technologies by practicing professionals Final Thoughts The train has


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