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GMAT逻辑总纲 费允杰 第一部分:逻辑总纲 第一章:做题步骤 先读问题(通过英文标志词读出题型)。 再读文章(随题型不同而发生变化)。 再看选项。 根据题型特点。 排除法(通用排除法和无关词排除法)。 白痴型思维。 第二章:五大题型 归纳 演绎(假设,加强,削弱,评价) 解释 填空 句子作用 第一节:归纳 英文标志词:conclusion; inferred; implied; supported; if above true, then it is also true. 读文章方式:不要关心文章的推导过程,尽量减少思维,承认文章正确,只抓信息 公共元素直推法。 If A, then B. A→B Only if A, then B. B→A Must by A, in order to B. B→A If only A, then B. A→B Not A, unless B. A→B A, unless B. →A, →B A require B. A→B A is necessary to B. B→A A depend/draw/base on B. A→B 例1.所有的人都去了。我是人。 公共信息:人 直接推结论:我去了。 例2.To be mentally healthy, people must have self-respect. People can maintain self-respect only by continually earning the respect of others they esteem. They can earn this respect only by treating these others morally. Which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn from the statements above? (A) People who are mentally healthy will be treated morally by others. (B) People who are mentally healthy will have treated morally those they esteem. (C) People who are mentally healthy must have self-respect in other to be treated morally by others. (D) People can expect to be treated morally by others only if they esteem these others. (E) People who have self-respect seldom treat morally those esteem. 例3. Most television viewers estimate how frequently a particular type of accident or crime occurs by how extensively it is discussed on television news shows. Television news shows report more on stories that include dramatic pictures such as fires and motor vehicle accidents than they do on more common stories that have little visual drama such as bookkeeping fraud. If the statements above are true, it can be properly concluded that which of the following is also true? (A) The time television news reporters spend researching news stories is directly related to the number of viewers who will be affected by events like those in the news stories. (B) It is easier for crimes su


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