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解析:考查比较级用法。“can't /couldn't ...+比较级”表示最高级含义。根据前半句“Mr Stevenson is great to work for ” 可知,史蒂文森是一个不错的老板,因此说“我真的找不到一个比他还好的老板了”, 表示在我看来他是最好的。 答案:A 2.(2011·全国卷Ⅱ)Mr Stevenson is great to work for — I really couldn't ask for a ______boss. A.better B.good C.best D.still better 解析: seek“寻找”;look“看(为不及物动词)”;find“找到”;put“放”。find faults with sb.“挑某人的毛病”。 答案:C 3.He is always ________ faults with other people though he doesn't do his own work properly. A.seeking B.looking C.finding D.putting 解析: be cast away on a deserted island 意为“流落荒岛”。 答案:A 4.(2013·江南十校联考)The group of the tourists were ________ on a deserted island because of a heavy storm a month ago. A.cast away B.cast down C.thrown off D.thrown out 解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:失业、交通拥挤和其他问题导致我们生活质量下降。decline“下降”;swing“摇摆,摆动”;increase“增加”;trend“趋势”。 答案:C 5.Unemployment, traffic crowdedness and other problems are leading to a(n) ________ in our quality of life. A.swing B.increase C.decline D.trend 解析:句意:问题是他不知道什么伤害了她,而且他也不敢问她。dare既可作情态动词,也可作实义动词,作实义动词用于否定句时可省略to。 答案:C 6.(2013·湖南师大附中模拟)The problem was that he didn't know what had hurt her and he ________ her. A.dared not to ask B.not dared ask C.didn't dare ask D.didn't dare asking 7.(2013·安徽七校大联考)The boy was so careless that the glass fell from his hand and it ________ on the floor. A.broke in B.broke down C.broke up D.broke out 解析: break in“破门而入,打断”;break down“(汽车、机器等)出故障,坏掉,垮掉”;break up“打碎,破坏(关系),结束”;break out“爆发”。此处指“杯子打碎了”,故C项正确。 答案:C 8.(2013·苏北四市调研)On AIDS Day, the Minister of Health Department demanded that the problems ________ paid special attention to. A.referred to being B.referred to be C.refer to being D.refer to be 解析:考查虚拟语气。句意:在艾滋病日,卫生部部长要求对提到的问题应该特别注意。referred to为过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰problems,demand后接宾语从句时应使用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,should可以省略。 答案:B 9.George ________ the good chance to present his proposal to the director, and at last, it was adopted. A.realized B.seized C.delivered D.released 解析:句意:乔治抓住那个好机会向主管提出自己的建议,最后建议被采


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