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18 10 Vol. 18 No. 10 2008 10 COM PUT ER TECHNOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT Oct. 2008 孙丽娟, 张立材, 郭彩龙 (西安建筑科技大学信息与控制工程学院, 陕西 西安 710055) : , , , , , , , : ; ; ; : T P39114 :A : 1673- 629X( 2008) 10- 0214- 03 Technologies of Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Vision SUN L-i jua , ZHANG L-i cai, GUO Ca-i lo g ( School of I fo. a d Co trol E gi eeri g, Xi. a U iversit y of Architecture Tech ology , Xi. a 710055, Chi a) Abstract:Computer has bee w idely used i all parts of people. s daily life. T he study of the mutual relatio ship betw ee people a d com- puter has also becom e the focus of the scie tific research. T he ability for computer to visually recog ize ha d gestures is esse tial for future huma - computer i teractio . Moreover ha d gesture recog itio based o visio ca promote the sig la guage recog itio develop- me t. Sig la guage recog itio ca elimi ate the excha ge barrier betw ee healthy perso a d deaf- mute, w hich e ables them to obtai the healthy perso . s ormal life, helps them to take part i social activity. Prese ts the developme t, tech ical difficulty a d elaborates the system pri ciple a d the compositio of ha d gestures recog itio based o visio . Moreover, i troduced the modeli g of ha d gesture a d the tech ique of ha d gestures recog itio . Key words:huma - com puter i teractio ; ha d gesture recog itio ; sig la guage recog itio ; gesture modeli g 0 , , , , ; , , , , , ,


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