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新东方《考研英语历年真题详解及复习指南》同源精读 『一般观点认为电子游戏能带来精神问题,但是新 的研究表明一款特殊设计的电子游戏在帮助青少 年克服抑郁方面上,治疗效果较之普通的心理咨 询治疗要更乐观。』 Study: Playing a Video Game Helps Teens Beat Depression 研究表明电子游戏能帮助青少年克服抑郁 Apr 20th 2012 | from Time Video games are more often regarded as causes of mental illness than as cures, but in a new study, a specially designed fantasy1 game helped teens conquer depression just as well as — if not better than — usual counseling. Depression can be devastating2 among youths, yet fewer than 1 in 5 depressed teens are treated, in part3 because they are reluctant to4 seek a therapist’s help. So researchers in New Zealand created the SPARX videogame as a way to deliver cognitive5 behavioral therapy, packaged in a fun and appealing way. The acronym6 stands for “smart, positive, active, realistic and x-factor thoughts,” strategies designed to fight depression. The game is modeled as an interactive fantasy in which players create an avatar7 who restores balance in a virtual world by destroying “gloomy negative automatic thoughts,” or GNATs. Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, seeks to educate the depressed person that this kind of thinking is not accurate or true. When people with depression stop buying into ideas like “Everyone hates me” or “I’m a loser” and can recognize that these “GNATs” are not statements of fact about reality, but simply thoughts twisted by depression, it can stop the cycle of rumination8 that sustains the disease. In the game, players’ aim is to kill creatures that represent these kinds of negative thoughts. The players move through seven levels of a fantasy world, starting in the Cave 1 fantasy /5fAntEsi/ n. 想象,幻想(尤指完全脱离实际的)


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