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【强烈推荐】初一英语词汇讲义 Sunshine tutoring is the biggest platform in the country The first English word Keynote: Yang wenzhe Handout on the first English words 26 English letters: 5 vowel letters (a, e, I, o, u) 21 consonants The composition of words: must have vowel letters, most words are vowel and consonant letters The vowels in English are like the rhymes in the Chinese pinyin, and the consonants are like sound mothers, which are combined together to sound The sound of a consonant letter Generally speaking, a consonant letter has only one or two pronunciations B: the voiceless sound [b], such as book [buk], bag [b? G] (bag), number [ n? MB?]. C: [k], such as Canada [ k? ? The sound [s], such as city [ siti] (the city) is nice. Voiceless [?] The pronunciation is similar to the pinyin sh, delicious [di li?? D: [d] like the dirty doctor [ d? F: sounds like fish or fish? G: voiced [g], such as garden [ ɑ : g dn] (garden) get [get] (get) Mr. Hamburger [ h? MB? : g?] (hamburger), Voice [d3], seventh grade, we only learn a word of g hair [d3], geography [d? H: the sound of sound [h], like happy [ h? J: the voiceless sound [d3], such as job [d?? K: [k], like key [ki] (key) look [luk] [see] M: [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] [l] M: sounds like many (many) meet [mi:] N: a voice [n], such as name [neim] (name), no [n? U] (no). P: sounds like pen [pen] soup [su: p] (soup) R: voiced [r], like red [red] story [ st? S: sounds like sad [s]. (sad) see [si] Voice [z], such as music [ mju: zik] (music). Voiceless [?] For example, sure [? U?] Voiceless [3], such as usual [ ju:? T: the sound of a voice [t], such as table [ teibl] (table) take [a] skirt [sk:] V: voiced [v], such as video [ vidi? U] (video) W: the voiceless sound [w], such as want [w? Nt] (want) we [wi:] Y: [j], like the year [ji?]? Z: voiced [z], such as zero [ zi? X: the sound combination [ks], such as six [siks] (6) [nekst] [nekst] (next). Dullness combination (gz), such as example [ig z ɑ : MPL] (example) In 21 consonant



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