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台大消费者行为cb 08 learning

2002/04/17 ch 08 Learning and Memory Overview What is Learning? Behavioral Learning Theories 行為學習 Vicarious Learning 代理學習 Cognitive Learning Theory 認知學習 The Role of Memory in Learning What Is Learning? 來自資訊與經驗的影響,而所產生的一種行為、情感以及思想上的相當持久的改變 Learning Theories behavioral learning emphasize the responses to external events cognitive learning stress the importance of internal mental processes The Consumer As a “Black Box”: A Behaviorist Perspective on Learning Behavioral Learning Theories Classical Conditioning 古典制約 Instrumental Conditioning 工具制約 Classical Conditioning The unconditioned stimulus (US; UCS) evokes an unconditioned response (UR; UCR) The unconditioned response can be transferred to a conditioned stimulus (CS) through classical conditioning Since this response arises from the conditioning it is called the conditioned response (CR) Marketing Applications of Classical Conditioning Repetition Stimulus Generalization 刺激類化 family branding product line extensions licensing look-alike packaging Instrumental Conditioning Also known as “Operant Conditioning” 操作制約 4 types of learning outcomes: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment, extinction Four Types of Learning Outcomes Reinforcement Schedules Total Reinforcement (continuous reinforcement) Partial Reinforcement Systematic Reinforcement fixed-interval 固定間隔增強 fixed-ratio 固定比率(次數)增強 Random Reinforcement variable-interval variable-ratio Vicarious Learning Also known as “observational learning” or “modeling” individuals learn behavior by observing the behavior of others and the consequences of such behavior 3 ways of modeling: overt modeling 外顯模仿學習 covert modeling 晦隱模仿學習 verbal modeling 口頭模仿學習 Cognitive Learning Theory Cognitive learning: Learning based on mental activities Range from very simple information acquisition to complex, creative problem solving Information Processing Model: A cognitive learning theory that focuses on how information is stored in human memory and how it is retrieved T


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