四级基础习作 句型升级.ppt

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写作句型升级 四级版 主动不如被动巧 例1. 越来越多的刚刚毕业的大学生发现越来越难找 到好工作。 A growing number of fresh graduates find that obtaining a decent job is getting increasingly difficult. A growing number of fresh graduates find that being employed by a decent employer is getting increasingly difficult. 主动不如被动巧 例2. 我们要马上采取有效措施。 We should take effective measures immediately to solve this delicate problem Effective measures should be taken immediately to solve this delicate problem. 主动不如被动巧 例3. 环保问题引起了热烈的讨论. There has been a heated discussion about environmental pollution. A heated discussion about environmental pollution has been triggered. 主动不如被动巧 例4. 如果不对环境问题加以重视,我们迟早会遭受重大损失。 If we do not pay attention to environmental problems, we must suffer huge loss sooner or later. If environmental problems are not given enough attention, huge loss is inevitable. 倒装给力又方便 Women can fully control their own lives only by having an independent ego. Only by having an independent ego can women fully control their own lives. 只有心怀一个独立的自我, 女人才能完全主宰自己的生活。 倒装给力又方便 【真题范例】 我们不能忽视网上购物的安全性。 2011.6 We should never neglect the security of online Shopping. Never should we neglect the security of online shopping. neglect → overlook 倒装给力又方便 【真题范例】 我们这样才能杜绝盗版。2005.6 Piracy We can bring an end to piracy only in this way. Only in this way can we bring an end to piracy. 倒装给力又方便 【真题范例】2007.12 Digital 互联网如此受欢迎,我们不能忽视它对生活的影响。 Internet is so popular that its impact on daily lives should not be ignored. So popular is Internet that its impact on daily life should not be ignored. 主语从句很强大 It……that 型 强调观点的真确性和广泛性 Why…… 型 描述现象背后的原因 主语从句很强大 It is a truth universally acknowledged that A single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 一个单身男子,坐拥万贯家财,自然欲求妻室,此道理普世公认. ----pride and prejudice 主语从句很强大 It is universally acknowledged that … It has been widely noted that … It is general


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