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2000 年 7 月 ENV IRONM EN TAL SC IEN CE July, 2000 阴-阳离子有机膨润土吸附水中苯胺、苯酚的性能 朱利中, 王晴, 陈宝梁(浙江大学环境科学系, 杭州 310028, E2m ail: lzzhu@m ail. hz. zj. cn) 摘要: 首次用阴、阳离子表面活性剂改性膨润土, 制得一系列阴2阳离子有机膨润土, 表征了有机膨润土的结构特征; 研究了阴2 阳离子有机膨润土吸附水中苯酚、苯胺等有机物的性能及影响因素, 并初步探讨了其吸附机理Λ 结果表明, 阴2阳离子有机膨润 土的层间距和有机碳含量与改性时阴、阳离子表面活性剂的组成和配比有关; 阴2阳离子表面活性剂在有机膨润土中形成了增 溶(分配) 作用较强的有机相, 从而对水中的有机污染物产生协同去除效应Λ 关键词: 阴2阳离子有机膨润土; 有机污染物; 协同吸附; 水处理 中图分类号: X783 文献标识码: A  文章编号: 025023301 (2000) 0420042205 Sorption of An iline and Phenol to An ion-cation Organoben ton ites from Water Zhu L izhong, W ang Q ing, Chen Bao liang (Departm ent of Environm ental Sciences, Zhejiang U niversi2 ty, Hangzhou 310028, China E2m ail: lzzhu@m ail. hz. zj. cn) Abstract: A series of anion2cation o rganobentonitesw ere synthesized by covering anion2cation m ixed surfactants on the bentonite. The intelayer spacings and o rganic carbon contents of anion2cation o rganobentonitesw ere ana2 lyzed. The so rp tion p roperties, m echanism s and op tim al conditions of o rganic compounds to anion2cation o rganobentonite w ere discussed. The results indicate that the o rganic carbon contents of anion2cation o rganoben2 tonites are p ropo rtional to the amounts of anion and cation surfactants covering onto bentonite. Partition m edium are excellently created in anion2cation o rganobentonites fo r o rganic po llutants in w ater. The so rp tion p roperties of anion2cation o rganobentonites are fine w hen the alky2chain of anion surfactant is sam e as of cation surfactants exchanging on bentonite. Removal rates of o rganic po llutants from w ater are imp roved by synergistic so lubiliza2 tion of anion and cation surfactant on the o rganobentonites. Keywords: anion2cation o rganobentonite; o rganic po llutants; synergistic so rp tion; w astew ater treatm ent   用不同种类和组成表面活性剂改性膨润土 [1, 2, 4, 5, 8 ] Λ笔者曾研究过有机膨润土吸附不同 象 (或粘土) , 制备有机膨润土 (o rganobentonite) [6, 7, 9, 10 ] , 研究发 极性有机物的特征、机理及规律 或有机粘土 (o rganoclay) , 从而创造出较好的 现, 有机膨润土对水中有机物的吸附机理包括 吸附介质, 并用于废水处理和


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