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六 国际公约(船长适用) 06.1 STCW公约的有关内容目录6 [1701]Your ship must {speed up}. A. reduce speed B. increase speed C. change speed D. stop engine KEY: B你船必须{加速}。 [1702]Youd better ______ your course to port to avoid collision. A. to alter B. alter(动词原型) C. altering D. altered KEY: B你最好向左改变你的航向以避免碰撞。(You’d better + 动词原型) [1703]The damage to the hatch cover was caused by your stevedores,and you ought to have known we never ______ lies. A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak KEY: C舱盖的损坏是由你的工人造成的,你应该知道我们决不撒谎。 [1704]During a storm,the chance of fatigue failure of a mooring line will increase as ______. A. vessel motions increase B. mooring tensions decrease C. KG increases D. KG decreases KEY: A在风暴其间,系泊缆绳疲劳损坏的机会将随着船体运动的增加而增加。 [1705]A passenger vessel is underway. When may passengers visit the pilothouse? A. Passengers are excluded from the pilothouse while underway. B. Passengers are permitted in the pilothouse during daylight hours only. C. Passengers are permitted to visit the pilothouse when authorized by the Master and officer of the watch. D. Passengers are permitted in the pilothouse when they are escorted by a ships officer. KEY: A一艘客船在航行。什么时候旅客可以参观驾驶台?航行其间旅客被拒绝进入驾驶台 [1706]At 0900,you take the following radar ranges: Watch Hill Point 5.4 miles; Block Island Grace Point 8.3 miles. Which statement is TRUE? A. You are within 3 nautical miles of the coast. B. The bottom in the area is sand and gravel. C. The fix is indeterminate. D. You are governed by the Inland Rules. KEY: C [1707]Functions aboard a tanker or tank barge such as connecting,disconnecting,and topping off must be supervised by ______. A. any certificated tankerman B. the Master of the vessel C. the officer of the watch D. the person designated as person in charge KEY: D油轮或油驳船上的功能如连接,断开和平舱作业必须在指定负责人员的监督下完成。 [1708]If your passenger vessel is fitted with a loudspeaker system,it must be tested at least once ______. A.


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