信计11级 离散数学A试题 B卷.doc

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信计11级 离散数学A试题 B卷

山东建筑大学试卷 共 5 页 第1页 2012 至 2013 学年第 1 学期 考试时间: 120 分钟 课程名称: 离散数学A B卷 考试形式:闭卷 年级: 11 专业: 信息与计算科学 ;层次:本科 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 分数 一、填空题(每小题2分,共30分) 1. Let p be the proposition: The message is scanned for viruses and q: The message was sent from an unknown system”. Write the following statement in terms of p, q and logical connectives. It is necessary to scan the message for viruses whenever it was sent from an unknown system.___________ 2. Let P(x) be the statement x can speak Russian and let Q(x) be the statement x knows the computer language C++. Express the statement “There is a student at your school who can speak Russian and who knows C++” in terms of P(x), Q(x), quantifiers(量词), and logical connectives ___________. The domain for quantifiers consists of all students at your school. 3. Let A={1,2,…,30}, define a relation R on A by aRb if and only if | a-b|( 5 (a, b (A), determine whether R is symmetric. 4. Let A={a, b, c}, R={ (b, c), ( b, b) } be a relation on A, then the symmetric closure (对称闭包) of R is ________________________. 5. Let A= {3, 7, 1}, define a relation R on A by xRy if and only if x-y 4. Let MR=(mij) be the matrix of the relation R, then m21 = , m22= . 6. Determine whether the lattice shown in Figure 1 is distributive (分配的). _______. 7. In a poset whose Hasse diagram shown in Figure 2, the least upper bound (最小上界) of B={ c, d, e} is . 8. Let n be a positive integer and let Dn be the set of all positive divisors of n. Then Dn is a lattice under the relation of divisibility. Determine whether D60 is a Boolean algebra. _________ 9. Is the poset A={2, 3, 6, 18} under the relation of divisibility a lattice? _______. 10. Suppose f : N ? N has the rule f(n) = 3n+2. Determine whether f is one-to-one? ___________. 11. Use the Huffman code tree in Figure 3 to decode the message: 000110000101 (用图3中的Huffman编码树,译出信息: 000110000101) ___________. 12.


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