Cisco VoIP设备中translation-rule敕令的用法(国外英文资料).doc

Cisco VoIP设备中translation-rule敕令的用法(国外英文资料).doc

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Cisco VoIP设备中translation-rule敕令的用法(国外英文资料)

Cisco VoIP配置中translation-rule命令的用法(国外英文资料) The use of the translation - rule command in Cisco VoIP configuration An overview, Translation - rule is used to increase, remove, and replace the dial-peer dialing peers inbound and outbound Numbers in VoIP. It has several applications: 1,? Apply to all inbound call legs. 2.? All inbound call legs that are applied to a particular voice -port. 3,? All outbound call legs applied to specific dial-peer. Second, command format Translation - rule has the following two command configurations for global pattern man: 1,??? (config) translation - rule_tag rule The (config-rule) rule 0-10 match pattern replacement pattern Application of translation - rule: 1)????? All the inbound call legs (config) voip-incoming translation - rule rule_tag {called/calling} 2)??? All inbound call legs of a particular voice -port (config) voice - port 0/0/0 (config-voiceport) translate {called/calling} rule_tag 3)??? All outbound call legs of a specific dial-peer (config) dial-peer voice 10 POTS (config-dial-i-peer) translate - outgoing {called/calling} rule_tag 2,??? (config) voice translation - rule rule_tag The (config-rule) rule 1-15 / match pattern / / replacement pattern / Application of voice translation - rule: 1)????? Create a voice translation - profile (config) voice translation? Profile profile_name (cfg-translation profile) translate {called/calling} rule_tag 2)??? Specific dial-peer all incoming and outgoing call legs (config) dial-peer voice 10 POTS (config-dial-i-peer) translation - profile {incoming/outgoing} profile_name Third, the wildcard 1,? Digital wildcard The wildcard no. use . Any number (0 ~ 9). [0-9] A number within the range is also available in terms of [0, 2-4, 5, 8-9] for continuous and continuous digits. * Zero or more of the same number. + One or more identical Numbers. ? Zero or one same number. . * Any number can be 0. . + Non-zero arbitrary Numbers. Other symbols: symbol use $ No Numbers, the equivalent of an en



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