English Idiom(国外英文资料).doc

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English Idiom(国外英文资料)

English Idiom(国外英文资料) English Idiom I get it over and done You have no special skill to have Nothing is gained by nothing In full detail Nothing is worth a penny With undivided attention Its easy to leap to the eye The falling of one leaf is The autumn. Birds of the same brush are tarred with the same brush Go off without a hitch The change of one word is the change of one word By fits and snatches The right nail is on the head Thats settled then. There is no need for Everything. Alternate tension with relaxation A mere scrap of paper All have ended in smoke. A bombshell came as a bombshell Bite the dust Have scanty knowledge Every minute counts. The full view is in full view A tiny bit Kill two birds with one stone Hit the mark with a single comment Laugh out of court He is Greek to one As good as ones word As clear as crystal Go to pot One day in one day in one day You are at ones wits end Go ones own way Make it at one/a stroke Be in hot haste For ten years, persevere ten years in ones studies in spite of hardships Everything is perfect in every way At the best of all... In the bag There will be great upset I know nothing about smoking in a great fury It goes to reck and ruin A: its very nice to dance and sing all weathers The sea of faces is a sea of faces Human nature is human nature Echo ones words Human hearts are not what they were in the old days. When the master was absent, his mansion was dead. Every one has his own ambition. Many people think More people than people. The Agreement is difficult if there are too many people. The whole force was exhausted. People talk about their Opinion rules the world. Poverty chills ambition Man can conquer nature. A Wolf in sheeps clothing The way of the world is the way of the world When in Rome, Do in Rome as the Romans Do. Give a vivid picture of cut to the quick A drop in the bucket I have a close brush with death Ones spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Stop the tide stem the tide There is nothing to do with



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